Josh Trim, USMC

My nephew is being deployed to Afghanistan.  I cannot be more proud.  Yes, I’m scared for him and all of the others who will be deployed with him.  However, I know that our military men and women are THE ABSOLUTE BEST IN THE WORLD and I have faith that he is in good hands amongst his brothers and sisters in arms.

OOOHRAH from Aunt Katrina, Josh.  I love you.

6 thoughts on “Josh Trim, USMC

  1. Your nephew is a true hero and I honor and thank him for his service to his country. And yes, our men and women in the military are truly the best!

    • aren’t they, though? There are not enough ways to say “thank you” to them, just not enough…

  2. Tell your nephew Thank You for your unselfish service to our great country.
    Keep your head down and your powder dry.

    Looking forward to the day you can tell us of his ‘Safe’ return.

  3. Somehow I missed this first time around. Send young Josh my thanks,my appreciation and my commitment to him and his bros that he and they will never be forgotten.

    • Thank you so much. That means a lot coming from you, Brother, and from Pobept…both of whom served our country with honor and selflessness. I could not be annoying Liberals everywhere if it wasn’t for you.

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