A Day in the Life of Rip van Winkel

I am really, really, really confused.  I took a nap yesterday and when I woke up I was in the “Socialist States of America”!  WTF?!?!

  • The Democrats don’t see a need for publishing the Revised, Revised, Revised Health Care Reform bill.  Did I hear that correctly?  Even 72 hours prior to a vote?  Doesn’t matter which side of this issue you are on.  You have to admit that this is fundamentally wrong.
  • AARP – oh, boy…I just came across their September 2009 issue of AARP Bulletin. The main story entitled “The Hype, The Lies, THE FACTS cites FactCheck.org and a Harvard (you know, the Alma Mater of Barack Obama) Professor as two of their primary sources of “THE FACTS”.  Just to give you an idea of the bent of this article, here are some excerpts:
    • “…Could the rumor mongering affect the outcome?  Recent violent interruptions at lawmakers’ town hall meetings suggest it might…”

    Violent interruptions?  Oh, yeah…the tear gas, dogs, police batons…I remember that.  NOT!!!!!!

    • “…Q. Will the government take over health care so we end up with socialized medicine?  No.  Neither the president nor the congressional committees have suggested anything remotely resembling government takeover of health care…”

    Okay, okay…here’s the really funny part.

    • “…Obama has specifically rejected the idea of a ‘single payer’ system, like Canada’s, in which the government insures all citizens…”

    Oh Goddess!  That’s rich!

    • “…Q. Will the government ration care?  No.  But the specter of ‘rationing’ is the battle cry of reform opponents…”

    What AARP fails to mention is that, although it may not be the intent of this Administration to ration care, the cost of a program as large as this may force their hand.  We may not see it in our lifetime, but our children may be faced with it down the road.

  • Why is AARP permitted to issue an article such as this (filled with opinion and interpretation, as well as some facts), yet Humana has been told to shut up?  Isn’t AARP in effect an insurance company?  They advertise AARP Health Care Options with a disclaimer that they are not the insurer.  However, they are paid a fee by United HealthCare Insurance Company for the use of their trademark and other services.  Same difference as far as I am concerned.  When will they be told to shut up?
  • I want to know why it is sooo important to pass some form of Health Care Reform Bill prior to the Columbus Day recess.  What is Congress afraid of?  Oooh, Oooh!!!  Pick me!  Pick me!  I know the answer!  Because their sorry butts will most likely be out of office come 2010!!!!! They want their names on this piece of crap so their grandchildren know who screwed up America.

2 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of Rip van Winkel

  1. You can bet the farm the intention of this administration is to ration health care;
    It’s also claimed to not provide health care for illegals….so, it’s quite easy to see Obama and company will simply make illegals legal….

    FactCheck.org is not the “non-partisan” fact finding group it’s cut out to be. Part of the Annenberg group (Obama was chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was a public school reform project). The Chicago Annenberg Challenge was founded by William (Bill) Ayers…who was instrumental in getting a $49.2 million grant proposal for them. And we know the ties Obama and Ayers have….
    Sooooo…when “fact” checking having anything to do with Mr. Obama is done by FactCheck.org……..well, look somewhere else for the real facts.

    Waking up to a very different America … the ball is rolling; I’m very sad to say. But let’s continue on.

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