Sunday “Funnies”?

When is enough too much?  I think I’ve reached that point this morning.

  1. If you thought the “Battle Hymn of the Obamanation” crossed the line, click on this link – Just make sure you have some Excedrin™ handy.
  2. Obama has shelved General McChrystal’s request for more troops in Afghanistan.  Excuse me?  My nephew is in Afghanistan.  Barack, you appointed the General to advise you on matters such as troop strength, enemy activities, etc.   Why?  So you can listen to your political homies and hang our troops out to dry.  As a family member of one of those troops, if I ever hear you make another speech about how proud you are of the men and women serving our country in combat, I think I’ll puke.  Don’t even open your mouth because you are so full of shit your breath stinks!  (I apologize for the language, but I am extremely angry about this.)
  3. Ahmadinejad fired more test missiles yesterday.  Is the need for a defensive missile shield becoming clear to you now?  Some things can’t be resolved over a burger and a beer, darlin’.
  4. Please, please, PLEASE stop campaigning!  Have you ever noticed that the only other political figures who constantly feel the need to “rally” their citizens the way you do are the psychotic dictators?  It is embarrassing.  Shut up and start listening to the People.  My Gramma used to say “You learn much more when your mouth is closed.
  5. When is the next Tea Party in Colorado?  I’m there!!!

3 thoughts on “Sunday “Funnies”?

  1. No need to apologize for “the language” Katrina. This guy is an embarrassement and a disgrace. Heading out to ‘campaign’ for the Olympics in Denmark, while he needs time to ‘define’ the matter in Afganistan…

  2. I know this might not be the most appropriate place to post this but for other readers living in the USA are you concerned about the debt? It just seems like it is getting to the point where the country is going to go bankrupt and my husband and I are just a little concerned that our kids and grandkids are going to have some big problems in a few years. Thanks for letting me vent, Sara

    • Vent away. Trust me, Sara, we are all concerned about debt. Wouldn’t it be nice if the government would keep their hands out of our personal cookie jars?

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