Evil, Wicked, Mean and Nasty

Hypocrisy is not a way of getting back to the moral high ground. Pretending you’re moral, saying your moral is not the same as acting morally.” – Alan Dershowitz

Why is it evil, mean and nasty for Police, the FBI and/or CIA, DHS or any of the Alphabet Soup agencies in the United States to survey Muslim organizations? Since when have they backed down when someone whined about wiretaps or placing agents within their organizations? I mean, if you’re not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about, right? At least that’s what a lot of Obama brown nosers say when you mention your discomfort with the NSA!  I don’t understand people who are opposed to DHS keeping a close eye on groups like CAIR. NYC Mayor DiBlahblahblah is nearly apoplectic over this. I guess he didn’t see the memorial service for the 4 people killed during and after the Boston Bombing, or 13 souls lost in Fort Hood five years ago, or even remember stories of thwarted terror attempts right in the city where he works. Mr. Mayor, all of the offenders were Muslim. Who are you going to survey, the Mafia, the Hell’s Angels? Who? The Little Sisters of the Poor?

Oh, but wait! Those were “lone wolves” not “real terrorists”. Really? Where do you think they got their ideas, anger and training from? The “Spring Holiday No Longer to be Known as Easter” Bunny? NO! They got them from some Muslim organizations right here in the United States, online from radical Imams and some even went to “Terrorist Training Camps” for their summer vacations.

Let me ask you something, DiBlahblahblah. Do you think it was ethnic intimidation when the FBI watched every time Vincent Gigante, John Gotti, Sr., Al Capone or Paul Castellano farted? Was it unfair to single out Little Italy, The Italian Gun Club or other private clubs in Brooklyn, Staten Island, Long Island or New Jersey? They were wire tapped. They were infiltrated and, at times, members were “convinced” to become rats – like that POS Sammy Gravano. No one blinked an eye or protested on the behalf of Italian-Americans!

What about the raids on motorcycle clubs? Yeah, well, you probably feel that no one gives a crap about those dirty bikers anyway. Most of them are family men who hold down good jobs. I know. I married one. You know, you dumb F**k, Harleys are not cheap! No one cries or protests when a fat, sorry, POS infiltrates a club or wiretaps are placed on personal phones. No one saw any problem with almost convicting two young mothers for talking about diapers on the phone (they were really talking about drugs so says the FBI). The FBI was wrong and the judge laughed them out of court, thank God.

I assume you would argue that they’re usually white. You would be wrong. Some are Mexican clubs, some are African American clubs and some could be Martians for all I know. But, why is it okay to target them and not CAIR for investigation? In a day-and-age when there are a gazillion surveillance cameras on almost every street in every major city in America, who isn’t being watched?

If you are going to push for the removal of surveillance of Muslim organizations, buddy, you better damned well do the same for the rest of us.

4 thoughts on “Evil, Wicked, Mean and Nasty

  1. I’m glad I stopped by. I noticed this the other day and couldn’t have said it better! Liberals always say it’s okay for American citizens to be spied on for the precise reason you gave … ‘if you’ve got nothing to hide, no problem.’ They carry it farther though. I read where one real lunatic liberal wrote it would be good as long as conservatives were targeted to stop their agenda. Sick bastards!

  2. Thanks, Steve! Imagine if Republicans or Libertarian called the “Occupy” protestors domestic terrorists? We would never live it down. Thank you, also, for the re-blog.

  3. Pingback: “It’s not a dare, it’s a promise …” | Cry and Howl

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