All about him…

If I were the parent of a cadet graduating from West Point today, I would be hard pressed not to smack the Ego in Chief in the face today.  With the exception of about 5 or 10 lines in his “stump speech”, it was all about him.  It was about justifying the weaknesses of his administration when it comes to foreign affairs.  Oh, and we were reminded yet again (as his nose grew and grew) that the major Al Qaeda forces along the Afghan/Pakistan border were decimated.  Yup, he really went there.

Barry, this might help you look like less of a fool in the future.  It is the definition of decimate from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary:

Decimate – destroy, devastate, annihilate, ruin, slaughter, demolish, reduce, cut a swath through, lay waste to, cut down.

None of this has happened and you know it.

I always thought that Commencement Ceremonies were about congratulating people for the accomplishments they have achieved, giving them some sort of pep talk about what they can expect when going out on their own to begin their lives and a small bit about past experiences the chosen speaker has had that might provide encouragement and wisdom to the graduating class.

Boy, he really earned the title “Ego in Chief” today.  Well, at least the graduates had a chance to nap before the big day ahead of them. 🙂

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