2013 “Bite Me” Awards


For those of you who did not read my first (and only until now) “Bite Me” awards, let me educate you. They are a collection of serious, sarcastic, sometimes angry and often “what the f**k were they thinking?” news and personal items that have been rattling through my head during the year.
Feel free to add on if you think I forgot something. Keep in mind, personal attacks, racial and gender slurs and vulgarities aimed at anyone who comments on my post will not be published. I am a big girl and I can take it, but I will not allow anyone to disrespect my guests.
That being said, here goes:

1. Jahi McMath has been declared brain dead by a judge in California. She is 13. She received a routine tonsillectomy and suffered a cardiac incident post-surgery that placed her in a “vegetative state”. What has truly been lost in all of this is “How did she get this way in the first place?” It is difficult enough to lose a child, but Jahi’s parents have faced this tragedy during what is supposed to be one of the most joyous times for a young girl – Christmas. Isn’t it easy to understand why they are fighting so hard to have her moved to a facility willing to take their insurance and keep her on life support until her “natural death”? However, the hospital she is in currently will not perform the procedure required to transport her to the nursing home because (and I am paraphrasing) they do not perform medical procedures on cadavers. Jahi is not a cadaver to her family, she is their child. This hospital gets a Vacant Heart Bite Me for their complete lack of empathy.

Update:  Jahi’s family won the right to have her moved to a long-term care facility and receive the care she needs.  I will pray for her and her family.  No matter the final outcome, she will always be in the hands of the Angels.

2. Since I am a Libertarian, one could safely assume that the legalization of marijuana in my state does not really bother me. What does bother me is that it seems like the legislators all got together in someone’s mom’s basement with a huge bong, some good skunk weed and a few cases of Lay’s™ potato chips and said “Dude, this legal stuff is a total buzz kill. Just make it okay to smoke and worry about the boring shit later.” “Yeah, man, seriously. Hey, stop hoggin’ on that shit man! I need a hit. Oh, and give me those chips…” It seems as though we are a study-obsessed society. We study everything. The effects of baby poop on our air quality, whether purple hair ties will leak dye into our brains or if e-cigarettes are tempting our youth to become deviant smokers. So, why is it so hard to come up with laws concerning driving under the influence of pot? “Colorado’s Amendment 64, also passed in November 2012, legalizes private pot use by most adults and allows them to grow a small number of marijuana plants. However, no legal blood limit was set for drivers. The debate about what should be done is ongoing” (Edmunds.com, 1/15/2013). You can smoke a joint outside of a restaurant or a store – that’ll just get someone else high if they are forced to stand there, too. Smoke a cigarette and you are lower than a child molester! So, the “But I Got High” Bite Me goes to the Colorado legislators for whatever they were smoking – or not – before they passed this law.

Update:  A chain of sushi restaurants in Colorado has come up with a pairing menu for those who smoke weed.  I wonder if they are only going to allow those 21 and over who do not mind a contact buzz into their restaurants, designate a day specifically for this activity, or just run things like they usually do.  Can’t wait to see how this one plays out…

3. David D. Kirkpatrick of The New York Times wrote, “The violence, though, also had spontaneous elements. Anger at the video motivated the initial attack. Dozens of people joined in, some of them provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters. Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack, according to more than a dozen Libyan witnesses as well as many American officials who have viewed the footage from security cameras” (nyt.com, 12/28/2013) (emphasis added).

“’I still see pictures on that TV of bloody finger prints on the wall thinking ‘are those my son’s?’ Patricia Smith said” (fox5SanDiego.com, 8/20/2013).

I dare Mr. Kirkpatrick to sit across the table from Mrs. Smith and try to explain his delusional “theories” to a mother who cannot get a straight answer from anyone in Washington. Are the Democrats in Washington so desperate to win their seats in 2014 that they are sending one of their shills out there to rehash an already disproved story and make it appear as though it is new information? For this reason, I am awarding the Manufactured Crises Bite Me to Mr. Kirkpatrick and The New York Times for their valiant efforts to bail out a sinking ship with a thimble.

4. I want to know what planet the Ego in Chief resides upon when he is not on Earth boring us with his condescending speechifying. If he is so concerned about the fact that the House Republicans have not produced a gazillion page roll of toilet paper that masquerades as a Health Care Law, as his does, I have a news flash for him. They haven’t. What they have done is come up with basic solutions to our nation’s health insurance issues as smaller bills that would not cause the chaos his behemoth has. If he wants to know where these solutions are, he needs to look up Harry Reid’s ass. Senator Reid has been sitting on them for years. My personal message to Barack – Barry, babe, it might be too late for you. You are the lamest duck I have ever seen. You would not know the truth if it bit you on the ankle and you think your silken words will lull our ears to believe all we hear you utter. Sorry, Sweet Cheeks, but you are not a Siren. Because your ego is so huge I know leaving a legacy is extremely critical to your self-image. Here’s an idea! Act like a damned grown up, repeal your law and hire people who actually know what they are doing to rewrite it. We do not need to overhaul our entire system, just initiate tort reform, tweek some of the Medicaid and Medicare requirements and allow the health insurance companies to engage in commerce across state lines. Then, maybe Harry can afford to go have surgery so he doesn’t walk around like he has every piece of legislation the House has produced since 2010 up his ass anymore. You might even leave office with a modicum of dignity. Mr. Anointed One, I am awarding you the Aesop’s “The Ass in Lion’s Silk” Bite Me.

5. You might not have done this as a child, but I never listened to my mother so I used to put pennies on the train tracks and watch them stretch and get thinner. Give me some slack – it was a small town and we still had black & white TV back then. Anyway, the penny’s length and width might have increased, but its strength and worth diminished greatly. This is similar to what happens when you just keep printing money in order to solve your problems. More money – worth less. More money – more people have dollars but they are economically weaker. The Holy Shit! We Gotta do SOMETHING! Bite Me of 2013 goes to the Federal Reserve. I am sure my future grandchildren will thank them some day when they are pushing wheelbarrows full of money into Kroger’s to get a loaf of bread.

6. I just found out yesterday – on the local news, mind you – that at least 19,000 Medicaid subscribers have had their HIPAA information hacked in Colorado. Although, we are being half-heartedly assured that no one has had their social security or bank account numbers stolen, I don’t think many are buying it. Our exchange is subsidized by the federal government, so I guess it should have been a foregone conclusion. Why will the government not listen to those who know best and install their security systems first and build upon them? So, this Bite Me is the “AND FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED…”


which I am awarding to all of those in government who should put their hands down and back away from the techie shit!

7. I have decided to start an organization and request 501(c)(3) status. It will be called Gun Owning, Law Abiding, Constitutional Originalist, Bra Hating Women over 50 Who Don’t Give a Shit About KimYe. So…who’s giving odds on my chances I get approved within the next 10 years? My final Bite Me goes to the IRS and Barry’s campaign machine for Gestapo Tactics Cleverly Disguised as Economic Equity Programs.

Please do not forget me when I am in prison. I have enjoyed writing my blog with the hopes that I have entertained, informed, angered and provoked thought over the years…lol 🙂


Yeah, They Went There…


“The threat to change Senate rules is a raw abuse of power and will destroy the very checks and balances our founding fathers put in place to prevent absolute power by any one branch of government,” – Senator Harry Reid, 2005.

“The American people want less partisanship in this town, but everyone in this chamber knows that if the majority chooses to end the filibuster – if they choose to change the rules and put an end to democratic debate – then the fighting and the bitterness and the gridlock will only get worse,” – Former Senator Barack H. Obama, 2005.

“I say to my friends on the Republican side, you may own the field right now, but you won’t own it forever,” Biden concluded. “I pray God, when the Democrats take back control, we don’t make the kind of naked power grab you are doing.” – Former Senator Joe Biden, 2005 as quoted on Mediaite.com.

Now more than ever, Libertarians, Republicans, and Conservatives need to put aside their differences and show a somewhat unified front.  The only option left open to them is to ensure that they acquire a majority in the Senate and maintain it in the House if there is to be any hope that we retain some semblance of the nation our Founding Fathers fought so hard to achieve.

I cannot believe I am saying this, but screw Obamacare!  Take care of the constituents who have been harmed by this Socialist Manifesto disguised as health care.  Once Obamacare implodes (and it will) they all need to work together to ensure that the “fix” is not automatically switching to single-payer – which I believe was the plan all along.  I am not a conspiracy-type person, but there are so many aspects of our government involved in this abortion that it seems all but impossible that it was not their goal from the get.

Do not fool yourselves that the use of this option will be limited to secondary court judges.  History shows once the Anointed One is given an inch, he attempts to take the world.  It can now be used ad nauseum to pass whatever he feels is for “the greater good”.

We can only hope that the moderate Democrats who have been fleeing the sinking ship that is the Obama Administration stay the course and are not coerced into following the Democrats very narrow, very defined party line.  We can only hope that our fellow citizens in red states with Democrats as their Representatives and Senators in Congress stay angry enough to vote them out of office.  And, we can only hope that the Administration does not “encourage” those liberal Supremes who are close to retirement to do so within the next 3 years and use the nuclear option to push through someone who is even more Progressive than even Kagan or Sotomayor.

I fear that many Americans do not understand the dangerous path Harry Reid has chosen to take the Senate down.  Not only for our time, but for our children and grandchildren.  If I were to use a “what if” scenario to show just how much impact giving control to one party could have on this country, it would be this –

What if one of Osama bin Laden’s sons stayed in the United States after he attended college, became a citizen, married a citizen and had children?  What if he began a movement that resulted in courts across the nation recognizing Sharia Law as a right protected under the guise of religious freedom?  What if many in whatever party is in control in the future agree with those rulings and a bill was presented to accept Sharia Law as a federally protected First Amendment right?   Only 51 Senators would have to agree.  What if…

Thanksgiving Roll-Out


November 20, 2013

Hello, and welcome to my Thanksgiving roll-out.  Since I have already achieved my goal of receiving positive responses to the invitations that I extended earlier in the year, Thanksgiving dinner will be ready on time on Thursday, November 28 at 2pm.

Our turkey hatched in August and I am confident it will be at least 25 lbs. by the due date.

I have hired several chefs to prepare the side dishes.  They have not presented the proposed menu to me as of today due to the fact that I had many rounds of golf to play and, quite frankly, menus are just one of the icky details I should not have to concern myself with.  It is on my desk somewhere awaiting my approval.  One thing I can assure my guests with a 100% degree of certainty is if you want your mashed potatoes, you can keep your mashed potatoes, period.  You will be able to keep your green bean casserole, period.

November 26, 2013

It is clear that the Thanksgiving roll-out has experienced some glitches.  The turkey gained only 10 lbs. and cancellation notices have gone out to those who have been surreptitiously uninvited, leaving them nowhere to go on Thanksgiving.  The sweet potatoes will only be 40% cooked by dinner time and none of the chefs remembered to purchase the ingredients for mashed potatoes.  I was not aware of these glitches directly and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  However, my neighbors are having Thanksgiving dinner as well and this is obviously an attempt to create havoc in our home, which resulted in the aforementioned menu failures.  Former President George W. Bush is also holding a dinner at his home, which has created a potato shortage.  Therefore, it is his fault that there will be no potatoes this year.

November 27, 2013 – 10am

It has come to my attention (again, indirectly) that the directions to our home that were posted online cannot be accessed due to IT errors.  If you require directions, please call 555-555-5555 and talk to my two-year-old niece who has been given minimal training and can refer you to her mother, who knows even less.

November 27, 2013 – Noon

Good news!  We have managed to acquire enough potatoes for dinner tomorrow.  However, we will only offer them between 1 and 1:15pm on Thanksgiving day.  Bad news!  Since there are too many green bean casseroles being served on this day, we will have to drop the casserole from our menu.  This will decrease the cost of our dinner.  If you still wish to have your green bean casserole, our neighbors will be serving it and you must be prepared to be put on their waiting list in order to receive a less-than-adequate helping.

November 27, 2013 – 5pm

We have chosen to ignore the recall of many items by the FDA and will be serving these food items anyway.  We cannot guarantee the security of your health after you have consumed your dinner.  We are not a professional restaurant and are not subject to the rules and regulations set forth by the Health Department in our state.

November 28, 2013 – Thanksgiving Day

We had many chefs working on our dinner.  We were really tired last night and did not get around to checking the final menu until midnight.  Your choices will be limited and not all guests will be able to participate in the actual eating of the dinner.  The majority of you may have to go to the local soup kitchens and partake in the free dinners provided for those in need.  Even though you may not technically qualify for assisted Thanksgiving Dinner, we will find a way for you to enjoy their limited supply of food, even if it means those who truly need it do not get their food.

Again, due to the late collaboration with our chefs, it appears the menu works well when looked at section by section, but does not provide a complete, satisfying meal.  Your dinner will consist of one square inch of turkey and a tablespoon of Stove Top™ stuffing.  We will now have to charge you a fee for this dinner because we did not have enough young, healthy people to assist us in setting the table.

We are looking forward to seeing those of you who were able to find directions to our home and to watching the Lions lose later on.


A Fly’s Butt hair…

I’m sorry, Secretary Kerry.  You impress me just about a fly’s butt hair more than Barry – but only because you don’t appear as condescending in your manner of speech.  (I can’t believe I actually said that.)  This awful situation in Syria should have been acted upon months and months ago.

Did the people who accused President Bush of lying about the existence of WMDs in Iraq ever wonder how thousands of Kurds (and other “undesirable” citizens) ended up buried in mass graves without a bullet hole, knife wound, etc., in one of them?  What – they died from a Febreze™ overdose?  Wouldn’t you agree that these people suffered “inconceivable horror” at the hands of Saddam Hussein just as the citizens of Syria are today?  What a damned hypocrite you are.  Did anyone in the UN (or US for that matter) take the time to follow the trail and see WHERE the weapons ended up when they were smuggled out of Iraq under cover of darkness – or however they secreted them – before the UN Inspectors were able to locate them?   Uhm, Ketchup Man, I think we found them.

Your buddy, Barry, can play his little Executive Order game when there is an immediate threat to the United States.  You know, like big planes flying into the WTC, Pentagon and Shanksville and killing nearly 3,000 people.  President Bush filed an Executive Order to invade Iraq and in October 2002 he consulted Congress so they could vote on a more formal document authorizing military action against Iraq.  What immediate threat is there against the US?  

Barry, you have waited so long that this has become a much more complicated issue that poses threats to some of our allies overseas.  Put the red Sharpie™ down and back away from your kids’ art table.  We are kind of stuck out in the Gulf with our thumbs up our asses because Assad has certainly been playing the Sarin Shuffle like a mad man.  Where is the bow of the ship you are going to fire across today?  Oh, and by the way, thank you so much for clarifying to this fucknut  that there aren’t actually going to be missile strikes.  Did you send him a note with little roses imprinted on it that reads “Dear Bashir, If a big shiny metal thing comes flying over your house, it is just us trying to look like we have balls.  Have a nice day and we apologize in advance for any stress cracks our phony show of force may create in any of your buildings.  Sincerely, Barry”

It might be a good idea to investigate why Russia and China walked out of the meeting at the UN. ( http://www.latimes.com/world/worldnow/la-fg-wn-russia-syria-warships-deployed-20130829,0,3436636.story )  Putin hates your guts, he’s KGB (you say ex, I call bullshit) and my personal opinion is that he has been working with Iran on something for a very long time.  China nearly owns us financially.  Do we sincerely need to piss them off?  Both have nukes.  If Bush were President I would have 100% faith that he could organize the right people to deal with all of the intricacies of this issue.  I get the sense that you probably have trouble figuring out your TV remote.

Oh, just a little piece of advice for ya – if one of our oldest, most loyal allies says “Fuck YOU!  You’re on your own on this one”, you may want to really, really take a moment and ask yourself why…

Just for S&G, I am going to repost something I wrote when you told the world our troops would be pulling out of Afghanistan.  Sort of like telling Assad you aren’t really going to hit anything, you know?  You need to read this.  It’s a real killer – literally…

After last night’s address to the nation concerning his Afghan Strategy, the Anointed One received many notes of thanks from around the globe:

Dear President Obama,

Thank you so much for the information concerning your projected date of withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Your advice is of great import to us as it will save our Brothers much time and effort.  We can now concentrate on training our troops, stockpiling weapons and recruitment for a future takeover of Afghanistan.

In the meantime, we will continue to rest in Pakistan.  This is sorely needed as we have been fighting for many years and our bones are weary.

In closing, we have one favor to ask you.  Do you think you might find it in your heart to send us a Wii?  The nights are long and television sucks here.

With great respect and appreciation,


Here’s one from an unnamed Afghani National Guardsman:

Mr. President,

Thank you sooo much for letting us know in advance that we are SCREWED.  Your half-assed commitment to our cause is truly heartwarming.

Last night 200 recruits fled into the night.  I believe I heard them say they were going to Pakistan to play Wii with the Taliban.  I have no idea what this means, but it doesn’t sound good.

Anonymous in Afghanistan

Then there was this one from our European Allies:


Are you f***ing serious!?!?

Good Lord, man, do you really expect us to commit more troops to Afghanistan when you have given up before you even start?  Why should anyone back your play when you are clearly not interested in victory?

We will have to think long and hard about putting more young men and women in harm’s way for a cause that even the United States of America does not believe in.  You will be hearing from us in, oh, ninety days or so…

And, finally:

Mr. President, Sir:

I am writing to express my deep appreciation for your commitment to our Armed Forces.  My fellow Marines and I were able to watch your speech on Fox this morning.

We especially enjoyed the part when you said we will be getting some relief by 2010.  I never realized what a funny guy you are.  Maybe you can invite my family over for a beer after my funeral.

A United States Marine

Through the Eyes of a Dreamer – The Speech President Obama Needs to Give

I don’t believe that the greatest dangers to the America we love lie in the big things.  Syria, Egypt, Iran, Russia, China – yes, there are major ramifications both militarily and fiscally if things cannot be dealt with, and soon.  Obamacare is another biggie.  So is the constant printing of more and more money to juice up confidence in the economy.  The NSA, IRS, Benghazi and Fast & Furious (“phony”) scandals are extremely important and creepy on a level that most conspiracy theorists have yet to fathom.  However, we would not have gotten to this point with the larger issues if we had been taking care of the smaller ones all along.

We need to mend from the inside out before we stop caring about our freedoms and allow the government to systematically take them away because we are apathetic.  We need to end our acceptance of responsibility for all of the faults we are constantly being told Americans possess.   We need to stop listening to the government and wake up the inner voice that made us the greatest nation on the planet for generations.  Furthermore, we need to call the POTUS on his avoidance tactics and hold him to working with us to solve the issues that have exacerbated this mess since he took office.

If Barry sincerely cared about his duties as President, he would restrain himself from making divisive remarks about cases that are best settled within the affected States.  He would surround himself with people to whom he owes nothing politically or personally – individuals with the strength of character to say “No” or to make suggestions that may not necessarily be popular with the West Wing crowd.  Maybe one of those people could honestly assess the tone of American citizens and the issues that are important to us would become important to Barry and Congress both.

So, with that being said, the speech Obama needs to give is this…

My fellow Americans, as President I have been to many states in this amazing country and spoken with people from all walks of life.  I know that I have not been as attentive to the small issues that affect our communities on a daily basis, and I could use many things as an excuse for this, but today is not the time for excuses.  Today is a time for working together toward becoming a whole nation once again.

Too many of our young people are dying from acts of violence, be they gang related or otherwise.  We must ask ourselves why these “children” are turning to outside influences such as gangs, television shows, video games and, on occasion, adults with bad intentions, instead of their families, teachers or members of the clergy.  Is it that these people are no longer available to them?  Is it that the constant use of race as a reason for violent acts on the part of people from all races gives the sense of justification to otherwise senseless acts?  Does it create hatred which spawns retaliation, which in turn creates more violence?  I believe all of these factors have contributed to the problem.  

Since most violent crimes involve illegal firearms, I am proposing today that all states, as well as Congress, review the laws concerning sentencing for those who commit violent crimes while in possession of an illegal fire arm.  I believe these laws need to be far stricter than they are and the length of the sentences should be increased with parole no longer being an option.  Sentences for those involved in the sale of these weapons, and those possessing such guns should be strengthened, as well.  Where the federal government has no jurisdiction, and as relates to non-federal trials in the individual states, I believe that the Department of Justice should not involve itself in those cases nor should we, the government, second guess the decisions made by the citizenry of any state.

When it comes to the private life of the President, my staff works diligently to allow my wife and children their private time, without the intrusion of the media, public or even the government.  It has become clear to me that every law abiding citizen deserves the same respect.  How can you have faith in me or the government employees you pay to protect us if you feel as though you are being treated as the enemy?  Common sense will tell you that America does need some sort of system in place to stop acts of terrorism before they occur, however, stricter controls should be in place to ensure that only those found to be – either through personal observation or electronic surveillance – potentially dangerous to the citizenry need be surveyed via high tech means.  Congress has already begun to re-write certain aspects of the Patriot Act that will be available for public inspection two weeks prior to a vote, giving you time to comment to your Senator or Representative about these proposed revisions.

Lastly, the condition of the education system is far from desirable.  In the beginning of my first term I ended the voucher program due to budgetary concerns.  After several years, I have come to realize this program is necessary if we want those who would otherwise not have a chance at a good education to get one.  It is especially important in those areas of the country that are suffering from bad economic times or are located a long distance from the more successful institutions available to other students.  Parents should have the right to choose the best possible education for their children.  That being said, the governors of all 50 states are being asked to create legislation to submit to their respective Congresspersons that provides for voucher programs.  I am confident that we will have a 100% success rate and vouchers will be available in all 50 states by the next calendar year.

There are many more issues that affect the personal lives of all of us.  I have touched on only a few today.  My pledge to you is that I will address more issues each month and give a reporting to the nation of the status of those solutions already being worked on.  No longer will I be the President who avoids the day-to-day issues of my fellow citizens.  I hope to be the President who jumped in with both feet and helped to heal our nation from the inside out.

Show of hands if you think this would ever happen…yeah, me either.

Never Stop Questioning Authority

Political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”  –  George Orwell

In 1964 I was 4 years old and went with my parents to a party at their friend’s home.  The guests of honor were former President Harry S. Truman and his wife Bess.  I recall my mother teaching me how to curtsy, because that was the way polite little girls showed respect to the former leader of the free world and his wife.  I was happy that I didn’t fall over.  My middle name is not Grace.

It is now 2013 and it saddens me that I do not have the same respect for the Anointed One.  Until 2009, I would never have referred to a President as anything other than “President _______”.   Obama does not deserve such veneration.

“So while I will never minimize the costs involved in military action, I am convinced that a failure to act in Libya would have carried a far greater price for America” (Obama following the death of Moammar Khadafi).  Funny how Barry jumped at the chance to “lead from behind” when the Libyan people were fighting to oust Moammar Khadafi.  Why did he fail to act before, during and after September 11, 2012 when our fellow countrymen needed him?  I guess it’s every American for himself.  For a guy who would not use the words “act of terrorism”, he is embracing this idea now because the REAL fuck up must be far more appalling than that.


If the slaughter of Ambassador Stephens, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty was truly terror-related, where was the claim from the terrorists themselves?  They always take “credit” for their work.  From the little that I do know, terrorists do not normally engage in long, drawn out battles.  They wire themselves up and pull a kamikaze, fire grenade launchers into a building or plant IEDs and run.  It seems to me that whomever ordered the attack on the compound instructed those who carried out the orders to make sure that Ambassador Stephens and the other Americans were dead.  It seems they did not expect anyone would come to the Americans’ aid.  It’s almost as though the murderers were briefed in advance.   Doherty and Woods, along with the others who chose to disobey the order to stand down, probably screwed up the whole plan.  Unfortunately, they paid with their lives.

With such a huge exchange of fire, didn’t any of the attackers get hit?  If so, where are they?  Where are their bodies if they were killed?  I’m sure the Seals killed one or ten or twenty.  Oh, that’s right, the case was handed over to the FBI and it took them twenty-something days to get access to the compound.   (What fucknut ordered the FBI to investigate a military-style attack against Americans in a foreign country?)  Allow me a moment to put on my tin foil hat.  Okay, I’m back.  We have been told that members of the media and local looters had been through the compound before the FBI.  Is it possible that there were people sent to the compound to remove evidence, bodies, weapons, etc. immediately following the murders and the delay experienced by the FBI was just a distraction?  Could someone have been stalling for time to allow the surviving murderers time to escape?  

What other countries, if any, were complicit in the need for Ambassador Stephens to be in Benghazi at a dangerous time of year for Americans abroad?   Was he, as some have supposed, assisting in a government-backed program to transport weapons to the rebels in Syria?  Did Russia or Iran have a hand in this?  Could the infamous “open mic” moment between Medvedev and Obama have had anything to do with arming the rebels?  That could be what Obama meant when he alluded to having more flexibility once he was re-elected.

I know this asks more questions than it answers.  However, maybe they are questions that the Main Stream Media and the American people should be asking Obama every time that “insert appropriate descriptive expletive here” gets near a podium.  I am just an average American, but I know there was no reason for what happened in Benghazi that justifies the murder of four of our citizens.  If four is all we lost that day.  We can’t even get a straight answer about that. 

It is not in the DNA of a member (retired or otherwise) of our Military to leave others behind to die, to stand down when they can run towards the gun fire or to sit in a hangar in Italy while fellow Americans are under attack.  Something is very wrong here, people.  We cannot let the murders in Benghazi become lost in the shuffle of scandals or mid-term re-election campaigns.  Hold this potus’ feet to the fire until the families of those who were killed get the answers they need to go on.

Martin Bashir Really Gets Me

Things have been weighing heavily upon my mind of late.  My conscience is not clear.  It is true that secrets can poison the soul and I have been keeping plenty of them.

Today I need to clean my spiritual closet lest Karma slam me three-fold into an oncoming bus.  I have a confession to make…

I am a racist.

Yes, I know you are all shocked by this revelation.  I was, too.  In fact, I denied it until Martin Bashir shone the light upon my dirty little secret.  Here are some horrid examples of my racist attitude that I need to share in order to feel cleansed…

  • I do not like Famous Amos™ cookies.  Lord help me, I prefer Pepperidge Farm™.
  • I buy Mrs. Butterworth’s™ syrup, not Aunt Jemima™, because it has a more buttery taste.  Mr. Bashir would most likely conclude that I am subconsciously denying the buttery flavor of Aunt Jemima’s™ product because I am racist.
  • I own a black cat.  BLATANTLY racist!  I know she owns me (as all cats do their humans), but fall back on the same slavery-based language of owning a being that is darker in color than I.  Unforgivable!
  • I have the audacity to adhere to the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”  I give everyone a chance to do right or fuck up – equally.
  • I believe that the New Black Panthers are no better than the Ku Klux Klan.  I despise them equally.
  • I do not trust or respect Barack Obama.  I feel he is a bad leader for this nation.  Mr. Obama’s policies have taken our nation down two thousand notches in the eyes of the world.  His stubborn refusal to remove people who have damaged our reputation and, either secretly or with flags waving and bands playing, sought to suppress the thoughts of those with opposing points of view disgusts me.  Pure racism.  How do I not end my life now?
  • Oh, and I am no fan of Bill Clinton, either.  Since he was our “first Black President”, I’m certain this adds to the repulsion you all must feel at my declining moral temperature.
  • I detest people who apply the label “Uncle Tom” to intelligent, hard-working, respectable people such as Dr. Ben Carson, Lt. Col. Allen West and Mr. Herman Cain.  They are men to be emulated, not ridiculed simply because they are African Americans and should “know better”.  They do know better – that’s why they are Conservatives. 🙂

Does anyone else see the absurdity in all of this?  Am I alone in thinking that you can dislike what a person does simply because of what they do and NOT because of the color of their skin?  Why is this always the fallback argument?

Barack Obama is not a delicate flower.  He chose to go into politics and he HAD to know that not everyone would agree with him every day.  Why can’t his supporters accept the fact that most people believe that his policies suck big hairy frog balls because they suck big hairy frog balls.  Not because he is half African American.  When he fucks up and the Liberals are mad at him (AP wiretapping, James Rosen, Verizon records seizure, Benghazi, etc.) is it then because he is half white?

Follow the RED Brick Road

Never being one to adhere to convention, when watching The Wizard of Oz as a child I always wondered where the Red Brick Road led.  I imagined that the horrors found on the Yellow path might have paled in comparison to those along the Red.

red brick road

As a “grown up in physical age only” (GUPAO), I find myself comparing the adventures of Dorothy and Toto on their mission to find the Wizard to the power of the current administration to deflect our attention from their true intentions.  Those she met along the way were either a) inherently evil; b) lacking empathy; c) unable to think without directions from a more “educated” or charismatic being; or d) fearful of speaking out against the abuses of power that grab at your gut and alert you to the dangers of usurping the true meaning of the Constitution.  The only good character spoke in riddles and did not reveal the knowledge she held until after they had been through hell and back.  Or Dorothy just chose not to listen to reason because she was awed by the pomp and circumstance, seduced by the Emerald City at the end of the road.

Of course, Dorothy did not begin her journey along the Yellow Brick Road without encouragement and testimonials from those gathered in the town square.  There was the Lollypop Guild (Union), The Lullaby League (an organization dedicated to lull her into a sense of security), various politicians, and the Main Stream Media (town crier).  All appeared to toe the party line.

What if Dorothy had decided that the information being fed to her in rapid fire confusion just did not sit right?  What if she chose her own path – the Red Brick Road?  Let’s suppose that a journey along that road began with a pocket Constitution and a print-out of the Declaration of Independence.  Of course, the villagers would walk away, shaking their heads in disgust.  Dorothy and Toto would be outcasts in a land of “group think”.

So, in choosing the path of free thought, freedom to worship whomever whenever you choose and the right to protect one’s self and his/her family, Dorothy set off with the belief that she was a free individual who could survive without government assistance or intervention.  This would prove to be more difficult than she imagined.


The first attempt by the “Yellow Brick Roaders” (YBRs) to dissuade her from continuing was to play upon her familial responsibilities.  If Dorothy remained on her current course, and others followed her lead, who would pay for Obamacare?  Oh, Secretary Sebelius was doing okay with her fundraising efforts, but the tax dollars earned from the family farm were necessary, too.  Dorothy could be condemning Auntie Em to a life without food stamps, Medicare, Social Security and responsible physicians to evaluate when care for Auntie Em was no longer fiscally viable.  How dare she!  But, Dorothy knew her aunt quite well and ignored the ploy to cajole her to turn back towards the road to dependence upon government.

Along the Red Brick Road, Dorothy noticed people working hard, communities that supported each other and an overriding belief that the Constitution is the law of the land.  The YBRs would have none of that.  They unleashed their most feared weapon upon Dorothy and the villagers – the IRS…

witch and flying monkey

Of course, though orchestrated by the Witch, the flying monkeys did the dirty work.  They messed up paperwork, requested information to which they were not entitled, hid documents in trees where no one could access them and caused delays in processing requests for 501(c) 3 and 4 entities for months – even years.  With the Constitution as their guide, the villagers began a long, arduous fight against the witch and her minions.  Once Dorothy was certain they had things under control, she and Toto continued down the road.

For a day or so, the duo enjoyed a leisurely stroll down the Red Brick Road taking in the scenery and thinking of those they left at home.  To her left, Dorothy saw the most beautiful field dotted with colorful flowers and chose to veer off the path.  Toto tried to warn her, but Dorothy wanted some of the flowers to bring home to Auntie Em.


As soon as she entered the field, Dorothy became extremely tired, lay down and fell into a deep sleep.  At first, the voice of the Anointed One sounded like that of an angel – soothing tones and logical rhetoric.  But, something changed.  His voice became more defensive and condescending.  “I think when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody”, “After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise.  It is the law of the land.”, “It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” – Barack Hussein Obama.  This new tone of voice jarred Dorothy out of her slumber and back to reality.  She now knew, if only for a moment, what it felt like to drink the Kool Aid™.  It was an empty, desperate feeling she hoped never to experience again.

“I know, Toto, I screwed up.”  Toto looked up at Dorothy and wagged his tail.  Lesson learned.  If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Not long after the “Poppy Incident”, they came across a group of individuals who seemed quite lost.  A lion, a scarecrow and a man made of tin.  After what seemed like hours of round about conversation, Dorothy finally understood the dilemma the three found themselves in.  The tin man had lost all empathy after being forced to assist in a cover-up of the murder of an American diplomat and three others in Libya.  The words he was ordered to repeat to the world over and over again became truth in his mind and heart.  He was having a hard time regaining his humanity.

The lion was fearful of losing his income, pension and standing in the YBR community if he did not support the views of the administration both publicly and in private.  He knew of attempts to bypass legal channels in order to step on the First Amendment Rights of journalists who resided within or on the fringes of the YBR and he did not want that kind of misery to befall him.

The scarecrow had been a political appointee of the Anointed One and had lost the ability to think for himself.  He parroted their talking points regarding the Embassy in Libya on several news shows and his brain had atrophied due to constant misuse.

dorothy and her friends

Fearing there was nothing she could do for them, Dorothy brought the trio to the villagers in hopes that their faith in what the RBR stood for might help her new found friends get on the road to recovery.

Dorothy and Toto were coming to the end of their journey.  She had learned much about the strength of communities and the importance of maintaining your individuality.  She was even stronger in her conviction that the Constitution was meant to protect individual citizens from their government, not give the government a tool to oppress the citizens.  It was not a “living, breathing document”, it was written in a way that it could be applied – as is – today just as it could over 200 years ago.

When they got to the end of  the road, a mountain range was visible in the background.  The sun was setting behind them.   An eagle soared over the largest American Flag Dorothy had ever seen.  “Toto”, she said, “we are finally home.”

Laugh Clown, Laugh

chicago ghetto 2 chicago kids chicago-ghetto  bilde detroit_taking_some_pics_in_bad_neighborhood_then_desktop_1280x853_hd-wallpaper-490086 A012-BlightCourt001-1107y_11-12-2007_O7NEO0E.jpg   

The first three photos are Chicago, the second three Detroit.

The policies of this “President” have done nothing to improve life for the people of either city.  In fact, things seem to be getting worse.  HOW in the name of God can any politician with a personal connection to either of these places not be sickened by the conditions some of our citizens are living in?

Following is a photo of Barry with one of his long-time “buds” from Chicago, Penny Pritzker, who recently “misplaced” $80 million so it was never reported to the IRS.  She was just appointed Secretary of Commerce.  And they laughed, and laughed…

obama appointee


Apology not accepted

Let us file this under “Make sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear.”…

dumb bitch 2

The children who died had nothing to do with politics…