Temper Tantrums

Obama throwing a tantrum

We don’t have time for this crap. Partisan politics, ignoring our allies because Congress did not “follow protocol”, giving notice in advance that policies the people want to see changed, passed or eliminated will be vetoed, being told we are riding on our high horse above the rest of the world… We just don’t have time.

If I went through the list of times Barry did not “follow protocol”, this would be a twenty page post. That is not to say that tit-for-tat is the right way to deal with his particular brand of immaturity, but I can understand it. Years of enduring belittlement, false accusations (such as shutting down the government when we know damned well that horse was owned by Harry and the Dems in the Senate), working to pass bills only to have Harry Greed sit on them – refusing to put them up for a vote in the Senate – and public castigation by Barry during televised conferences can make one a tad testy, to say the least. Although I was never a fan of Bill Clinton’s policies in general, I respected the way he worked with a Republican majority Congress for the sake of America and her people.   I am not as confident that his wife would do the same, but she is inconsequential in my opinion.

Why does the Ego in Chief have such a hard time understanding his role as President? Why is the Democratic wing of the House led by Nancy Pelosi even considering being unavailable for Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the joint Congress? Why is our Vice President suddenly making a trip overseas (and if you believe this was scheduled a long time ago, I have a mountain for sale up here in the Rockies)? If I were one of their constituents, I would be livid. Israel is our ally. They are afloat at sea amidst a gam of sharks known as Islamic Extremists and I feel it is our obligation to at least listen to what Netanyahu has to say before passing judgment one way or another. Barry had time to entertain a group of Muslim “leaders” which included a player for the NBA (but not Dr. Zuhdi Jasser – a decorated Naval Veteran and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy), yet he is throwing a public hissy fit and refuses to meet with Netanyahu? His lack of class is glaringly obvious. But, then again, Netanyahu is just a “chicken shit” and not worthy of the Anointed One’s respect, right? I mean, he only served in Israel’s Sayeret Matkal Special Forces unit when he was in the Israeli military. Gee, Barry, I forgot. What unit did you serve in in our military?

I detest Michael Moore, yet I have read two of his books. They sucked, but one cannot have an intelligent argument without hearing from both sides. I do not understand parents who do not give their children an opportunity to experience some form of religion in their younger years. How can a person make an informed decision later in life without having a basis for that decision? I went to a Congregationalist Church in my youth, but am nonreligious now. Spiritual, yes. However, I have way more faith in God than man. How do you know you hate avocados if you have never tasted one? How does anyone in government know if they agree or disagree with the ideas of others if they don’t open their damned minds and listen to the other side before dismissing them off-hand?

Both parties are guilty of being the boy in the bubble and it needs to stop – now. Whether they wish to admit it or not, we are at war with an enemy who would love nothing better than to see all Western nations obliterated from the face of the earth. In many cases they disguise themselves as fruitful citizens of the very countries they wish to destroy. This is not the type of war we are used to. It is as much psychological as traditional – perhaps more so. That being said, we must be ever watchful.

ISIS is by far the most dangerous cult we have faced in decades. A cult, you ask? Yes. Not much different in tactics and approach than Jim Jones, Charles Manson or the KKK. They target socially disassociated individuals and promise them many things – respect and fear from those who have hurt them in the past, the respect and honor of a god (or, in Manson’s case, Charlie himself), the respect and acceptance of others in the cult and the ability to destroy those they perceive to have tried to destroy them.

However, the aforementioned were pussycats compared to ISIS. Why? Well, for several reasons. Social media did not exist when those cults were in their heyday. Charismatic leaders with evil intent did not have the ability to stretch their tentacles across oceans or continents to reach their intended targets. Photos were carefully distributed as they are today. However, video was not available for international distribution, especially the professionally produced videos we see currently. In most cases, a person wishing to join the cults of yesterday had to physically attend church meetings, rallies or party with Charlie in order to become an initiate. I am not saying the KKK does not still exist, by the way. They have been made all but impotent because people reject their message more than accept it in today’s world.  The media did not report on the atrocities committed by those groups with the frequency and fervor that they do ISIS. The Manson murders were a big story for a bit. So was the People’s Temple massacre. But they soon faded into the ionosphere, as did the crimes committed by the Klan. And, in many cases the despicable acts of the Klan were committed in Southern States in which the media chose not to report on them at all.

ISIS is reaching into our children’s bedrooms and snatching their psyches right out from under our noses and POTUS can’t seem to grasp this concept. Statements by him and his administration show their naiveté over and over again. It is almost as though they perceive ISIS and the rest of the world as nothing more than siblings sitting in the back seat of the family truckster screaming “He’s on my side!” or “I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!” and all we have to do is yell at them and it will all stop. It is not going to stop. The killing of innocent children is not going to stop. The rape of young girls is not going to stop. The danger to Israel, those being held hostage, our homeland and the blameless caught in the crossfire is not going to stop. Killing our citizens on our soil is not going to stop. And if POTUS and Congress don’t end the bickering that has become all too common in DC these days and come up with a cogent plan to obliterate this boil from the ass of the world, it is only going to get worse. Then it will be all but impossible to stop.

“Affluenza” versus “Poor-Lio”

Unless you have been hanging out with the Anointed One in the Oval Office for the past two weeks (that black hole in which information is sucked into a void and no one knows anything), I am sure you have heard about the 16-year-old who mowed down four innocent people while driving drunk. He was raised in a very wealthy environment and his parents allowed him to do whatever he wanted. According to his attorneys, he was never taught right from wrong. Therefore, they contended, he must certainly have suffered from “affluenza”. In my day we just called kids like this spoiled brats and the parents were thought of as self-interested, neglectful jerks. Wonder of wonders, the esteemed Judge fell for their line of bull and sentenced him to 10 years’ probation.

Now, let us put this into perspective. Charles Manson was born to a young, drug-addicted mother who pretty much dumped him on a street corner one day leaving him to his own devices. He was never taught right from wrong. Although he grew up in a poor environment, he was technically allowed to do whatever he wanted. He did time in juvenile detention, was sent to a military school for a hot minute and was involved in the criminal justice system for much of his young adult life. When he killed somewhere around 8 people (or ordered their deaths – however you want to look at it) in a 2 day span, he ended up being sentenced to death, then life without parole, for his crimes. Soooo, is this what “poor-lio” looks like?

I mean – you’re rich and neglected so you go out and get drunk (underage, might I add), kill 4 people who did nothing to deserve a death sentence, leave one of your good friends paralyzed to the point where he can only communicate by blinking his eyes, but you get a slap on the wrist and a cool new defense is born – affluenza. You’re poor and neglected, engage in various criminal behaviors, become an adult and kill 8+ people, get a life sentence and no catchy nickname is used to defend you – like poor-lio.

People with affluenza will never have to pay for their crimes, they will never learn from their mistakes and will most likely end up like Charles Manson or so many others. The only difference is there will probably be a battery of fancy lawyers to get their candy asses off like they have done time and time again. People such as Charles Manson are exactly where they are supposed to be based on the types of crimes they committed. However, had they been loved and guided in life when they were young, perhaps things might not have gone so far. The 16-year-old brat is far from where he belongs and has already murdered 4 people. Had he been loved and given some guidance in his life, perhaps things might not have gone so far.

One thing is obvious, it is better to have affluenza than poor-lio any day.