Arrogance and Disrespect…

Some of you might not be familiar with Chris Daughtry or his music. I, personally, enjoyed his music and watched him a time or two when he competed on American Idol.

On Fridays from Memorial Day through Labor Day, Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends presents a summer concert series outside of their studio in New York City. Last week, Charlie Daniels and his band were the main attraction. They have artists who span many genres of music and Daughtry has been a constant participant for the past few years. I sense he might not be invited back and that would not break my heart.

Yesterday, Daughtry (both the name of the band and the lead singer) finished their set. It was the end of the show, but anchor Steve Doocy had one more request before they went off the air for the day. This is how it went:

I highly doubt that any of the surviving veterans of D-Day were crowded around television sets, or computers, watching the show. They most likely are not aware of what transpired and I am almost certain they have no idea who Daughtry is. However, this band appeals to the 18 – 34 market. What a great example of patriotism for our younger citizens.

I do understand that he has played for our troops during the course of his not-even-a-decade long career, but appearances on national TV impact a far larger audience. An audience that may not understand that were it not for the sacrifices and bravery of troops from 12 allied nations on June 6, 1944, we all might be saying “Heil Hitler” each morning.

Thank you, Grampa…



Julius August Christian Kollmeyer (“Jack”) served in the United States Army during both WWI and WWII.  He may not have been “on the beach”, but he was part of the Allied Forces serving in France on June 6, 1944.  He lost many people he had come to consider brothers.  Grampa Jack died in 1995.  He, and all of the brave American men and women who served our nation in the fight against Adolf Hitler and his tyrants will always be heroes to me.

That Ain’t No Way to Treat a Lady!

Tomorrow is the anniversary of D-Day.  The few remaining WWII Veterans who participated in the battles at Normandy will gather to honor those who gave their lives to defeat the Nazi’s.  Well, all except two…Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip.

This is disgraceful.  Regardless of what people may think of British Royalty, these two individuals served their country in a time of war and deserve to be honored.  The British have been our allies through thick and thin.  There have been times when they disagreed with us, but they are one of the few who have stuck by us when many others turned their backs (like, uhm, the French).

Is Barack so enamoured with France’s Socialist Elitism that he is willing to attend a ceremony that excludes the Royals?  I think the United States of America should boycott the ceremony unless the Queen and her husband receive an apology, and a formal invite.

Prince Charles should stay home.  Period.

Question – How can Barack bow to the king of a country that supplied most of the 9/11 terrorists, yet attend a ceremony that “flips the bird” at a country who stood by our side during one of the worst wars in our nation’s history?