Can You Hear Us NOW!?!?

Last night’s “upset” primary thumping of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) seems to have taken everyone by surprise. After all, he had been there for almost 15 years and he was a professional politician with a large bankroll to fund his campaign. He was defeated by a regular American citizen – a college Economics Professor named David Brat – who had only minimal funds and the words of our Founding Fathers in his campaign arsenal.

I am surprised that people are surprised! Is DC so insulated from the real world that they can claim complete ignorance of the growing discontent with business as usual? Is our Congress so arrogant that they feel entitled to be re-elected time-and-time again and that we would accept their ineptitude for eternity? Did they think that we could stand by while Congress rolls over and plays dead while Barry runs roughshod over them without consequence? Unfortunately, the answers are all “Yes”.

Do you think the GOP might have finally gotten the hint that We the People are tired of the infighting going on within the party, the back stabbing and smear campaigns against those who have actually listened to the majority of their constituents? I doubt it. Do you believe that our voices matter to the professional politicians? I don’t. Do you feel that the fear mongering will cease and those with Tea Party ideologies will no longer be classified as far, far Right Wing loons? Yeah, right.

However, the blame for the current state of affairs in Washington cannot be placed upon the shoulders of Congress alone. Part of the blame belongs to those who complain but do not vote. Some belongs to those who choose to remain ignorant and in Zombie-like fashion pull the lever of the most recognizable name on the ballot on Election Day because it is easier than thinking.

The definition of insanity, according to Albert Einstein is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I know this is an oft used quote, but it certainly applies to the actions of Congress and the laziness of a majority of the voting public.

David Brat did not campaign against Democratic ideals, nor did he technically campaign against Eric Cantor. David Brat campaigned for a reuniting of the American people with the values and philosophies held sacred by the Founding Fathers. Values such as following the rule of law, personal property rights and giving the People back control of their own lives with limited government interference. These are all non-partisan issues and I believe they resonated with people from all walks of life. We are so damned tired of DC doing nothing because stubbornly toeing the party line is so much more important than accomplishing the tasks they were sent to Washington by us to do.

Let us pray that the awareness of the people of Virginia is contagious and more candidates like David Brat will have a shot at bringing America back to being the great Republic she had been for generations.