“Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.” ~ Mark Twain

It was an impossible task trying to choose which quote I would use to open this post, so you must suffer through both.

“So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.” ~ George Orwell

“Data is not information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not understanding, understanding is not wisdom.” ~ Clifford Stoll

During the current Congress (113th), Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) intends to present legislation that is intended to permit “the federal government [to] monitor radio, television and Internet speech for ‘hate,’ or material allegedly determined to be advocating or encouraging ‘violent acts…’” (examiner.com, 29 April 2014) This proposed bill is entitled the “Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014”.

Okay, so let’s take an educated guess as to what Harry Greed, the Ego in Chief, Senator Markey or any other defender of the oppressed masses might consider hate speech or words/material that would encourage people to go out and commit violent acts. My list would contain:

  • Anything the Tea Party writes, broadcasts or utters at rallies;
  • Anything Fox News broadcasts;
  • Any reports posted by Breitbart.com, The Daily Caller or other publications with a right-leaning editorial policy;
  • My blog;
  • The pages I “like” on Facebook (but Fuckerberg is already taking care of them by making their online lives miserable);
  • If we use the DHS model of Domestic Terrorism we would have to include Military Veterans, Christian Organizations, Constitutional Originalists, yada, yada, yada…;
  • Anything said by Cliven Bundy, his family, friends and supporters;
  • Anyone who believes that legal immigration is fine and illegally entering our country for whatever reason is not (sorry, Jeb, but I’m not buying the “love” thing);
  • Anyone who disagrees with Barry, or believes he and Eric Holder need to resign;
  • Anyone who sees that it is obvious that Harry Greed’s retirement is way overdue and he is just a doddering old fool;
  • Anyone who knows what this country was, sees the damage that has been done by the current Administration and chokes up during the “Star Spangled Banner” not due to pride, but a sense of loss felt deeply in our souls – then expresses their opinion in public.

Here is my list of people and things that might incite others to commit violent acts or who engage in hate speech with permission of His Majesty, The Anointed One:

  • Al Sharpton;
  • Barack Obama;
  • Al Sharpton;
  • Jesse Jackson;
  • Moochele Obama
  • Signs advertising “Gun Free Zones”;
  • Gun Control Advocates;
  • ELF;
  • Occupy Wall Street;
  • Al Sharpton;
  • Harry Greed;
  • Congressman Grayson (D-FL);
  • BLM;
  • And, just in case you missed it – Al Sharpton.

Markey’s proposal does not spell out the punishment that should be meted out to those who engage in such egregious activities, but I am pretty sure it will have something to do with losing your “communication privileges” either for a specified time or for life.

According to any articles I have read, he only has the support of 1% of those in the Senate, but this does not mean that Barry, with pen and phone in hand, wouldn’t push this through via Executive Order and hand control of it to the NSA. Although, Senator Markey had indicated at one point that a new Bureau should be created to do the monitoring. Yeah, right. Because we can really afford that! However, this kind of thought control is very appealing to Barry and I would not put it past him to institute the Barack Hussein Obama Bureau of Shut Up and Do as I Say.

The “Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014” will be given life – just like Shelley’s Frankenstein. Of that I am certain. The question is when and how.


Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014 as authored by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA)




I thought this crap ended after WWII…

Eric Holder is “considering” a law requiring LEGAL gun owners to wear electronic bracelets?  What’s next?  Are they going to have us implanted with micro-chips whenever they feel the need to keep track of us?  Last time I looked my name is Katrina, not Fido.  Go to Hell, Holder!  The footsteps you are taking on the backs of law abiding American citizens is deafening and, sweet cheeks, it ain’t gonna last long.  Trust me…