Temper Tantrums

Obama throwing a tantrum

We don’t have time for this crap. Partisan politics, ignoring our allies because Congress did not “follow protocol”, giving notice in advance that policies the people want to see changed, passed or eliminated will be vetoed, being told we are riding on our high horse above the rest of the world… We just don’t have time.

If I went through the list of times Barry did not “follow protocol”, this would be a twenty page post. That is not to say that tit-for-tat is the right way to deal with his particular brand of immaturity, but I can understand it. Years of enduring belittlement, false accusations (such as shutting down the government when we know damned well that horse was owned by Harry and the Dems in the Senate), working to pass bills only to have Harry Greed sit on them – refusing to put them up for a vote in the Senate – and public castigation by Barry during televised conferences can make one a tad testy, to say the least. Although I was never a fan of Bill Clinton’s policies in general, I respected the way he worked with a Republican majority Congress for the sake of America and her people.   I am not as confident that his wife would do the same, but she is inconsequential in my opinion.

Why does the Ego in Chief have such a hard time understanding his role as President? Why is the Democratic wing of the House led by Nancy Pelosi even considering being unavailable for Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the joint Congress? Why is our Vice President suddenly making a trip overseas (and if you believe this was scheduled a long time ago, I have a mountain for sale up here in the Rockies)? If I were one of their constituents, I would be livid. Israel is our ally. They are afloat at sea amidst a gam of sharks known as Islamic Extremists and I feel it is our obligation to at least listen to what Netanyahu has to say before passing judgment one way or another. Barry had time to entertain a group of Muslim “leaders” which included a player for the NBA (but not Dr. Zuhdi Jasser – a decorated Naval Veteran and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy), yet he is throwing a public hissy fit and refuses to meet with Netanyahu? His lack of class is glaringly obvious. But, then again, Netanyahu is just a “chicken shit” and not worthy of the Anointed One’s respect, right? I mean, he only served in Israel’s Sayeret Matkal Special Forces unit when he was in the Israeli military. Gee, Barry, I forgot. What unit did you serve in in our military?

I detest Michael Moore, yet I have read two of his books. They sucked, but one cannot have an intelligent argument without hearing from both sides. I do not understand parents who do not give their children an opportunity to experience some form of religion in their younger years. How can a person make an informed decision later in life without having a basis for that decision? I went to a Congregationalist Church in my youth, but am nonreligious now. Spiritual, yes. However, I have way more faith in God than man. How do you know you hate avocados if you have never tasted one? How does anyone in government know if they agree or disagree with the ideas of others if they don’t open their damned minds and listen to the other side before dismissing them off-hand?

Both parties are guilty of being the boy in the bubble and it needs to stop – now. Whether they wish to admit it or not, we are at war with an enemy who would love nothing better than to see all Western nations obliterated from the face of the earth. In many cases they disguise themselves as fruitful citizens of the very countries they wish to destroy. This is not the type of war we are used to. It is as much psychological as traditional – perhaps more so. That being said, we must be ever watchful.

ISIS is by far the most dangerous cult we have faced in decades. A cult, you ask? Yes. Not much different in tactics and approach than Jim Jones, Charles Manson or the KKK. They target socially disassociated individuals and promise them many things – respect and fear from those who have hurt them in the past, the respect and honor of a god (or, in Manson’s case, Charlie himself), the respect and acceptance of others in the cult and the ability to destroy those they perceive to have tried to destroy them.

However, the aforementioned were pussycats compared to ISIS. Why? Well, for several reasons. Social media did not exist when those cults were in their heyday. Charismatic leaders with evil intent did not have the ability to stretch their tentacles across oceans or continents to reach their intended targets. Photos were carefully distributed as they are today. However, video was not available for international distribution, especially the professionally produced videos we see currently. In most cases, a person wishing to join the cults of yesterday had to physically attend church meetings, rallies or party with Charlie in order to become an initiate. I am not saying the KKK does not still exist, by the way. They have been made all but impotent because people reject their message more than accept it in today’s world.  The media did not report on the atrocities committed by those groups with the frequency and fervor that they do ISIS. The Manson murders were a big story for a bit. So was the People’s Temple massacre. But they soon faded into the ionosphere, as did the crimes committed by the Klan. And, in many cases the despicable acts of the Klan were committed in Southern States in which the media chose not to report on them at all.

ISIS is reaching into our children’s bedrooms and snatching their psyches right out from under our noses and POTUS can’t seem to grasp this concept. Statements by him and his administration show their naiveté over and over again. It is almost as though they perceive ISIS and the rest of the world as nothing more than siblings sitting in the back seat of the family truckster screaming “He’s on my side!” or “I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!” and all we have to do is yell at them and it will all stop. It is not going to stop. The killing of innocent children is not going to stop. The rape of young girls is not going to stop. The danger to Israel, those being held hostage, our homeland and the blameless caught in the crossfire is not going to stop. Killing our citizens on our soil is not going to stop. And if POTUS and Congress don’t end the bickering that has become all too common in DC these days and come up with a cogent plan to obliterate this boil from the ass of the world, it is only going to get worse. Then it will be all but impossible to stop.

Had to share… (remember, this is not real – it is sarcasm)

fake fb convoThis originally appeared at SuckersOnParade.blogspot.com.





Pure, unadulterated disgust…that is EXACTLY how I feel right now.  I will not edit my comments (except some cuss words – and TRUST ME there are some real doozies floating around in my head right now!).

First of all, I believe that the few idiots (the protesters) who called out racial epithets should have been unceremoniously removed from the grounds.   It made me sick to see grown people act in such a racist way in this day and age.  All they did was validate people like Janeane Garofalo.

HOWEVER…when the Bitch of the House (warned you…I’m pissed) gathered her minions around her for a photo op, she only exacerbated the situation.  Gave credence to the idiots.   Nancy, sweetheart, this is NOT  Selma.

I am not the kind of person who takes charity easily.  I have lived my life as a self-sufficient individual through some very hard times.   Many of my readers do not know EVERYTHING about me.  I never felt it was necessary.  I have survived poverty, molestation, Multiple Sclerosis, domestic violence at the hands of a coward, sub-standard medical treatment during the birth of my daughter (they left medical equipment in me)  and stood tall.  After all of that, believe it or not, THIS HEALTH CARE BILL scares me.

And don’t you DARE tell me if I read the bill I will like it.  Bullshit.  I HAVE read everything that has been posted on the internet.  I may not have a college degree…yet…but I do have an IQ of 146.  Reading comprehension was never a problem.  Legalese was just another language I taught myself.  I KNOW that when the Government runs out of money to fund the monster they have just created, I will not be a priority.  Will I live to see my daughter have her first child?   Will I be important enough to spend money on?  If I have to go on Medicaid, will I be worth an MRI, a wheelchair?  After all, I am almost 50 and disabled.

All I can say is FUCK YOU BARACK OBAMA.  I hope you sleep well tonight.


As an addendum to this post, I spent 7 years trying to get Social Security (my money) and finally won my case.  I now receive $710 per month, can have tangible assets no greater than a cumulative total of $2,000 or they will take it away.  I just had to advise my Neurologist that I can no longer see him because I cannot afford an MRI.  Medicaid pays $530 – an MRI costs $2,500.  Obamacare’s medical implements “fees” have kicked in and this is just the beginning, folks!   Katrina – May 27, 2013

“…an arrogant Crown”

Is marijuana legal in DC?  I only ask because our elected officials can’t possibly think pushing health care reform through when a majority of Americans do not want it is a good idea…unless they are high on something.

Either they are stoned, illiterate, deaf or just plain arrogant.  I believe the correct answer is “all of the above”, but what do I know?  After all, I’m just an uneducated, trailer trash redneck living in the foothills of Colorado…or, at least, that’s what most of the Liberals who have commented on my blog seem to think.

I have been fairly quiet of late.  Doing much reading, listening and watching.  Some days I wonder if the government has forgotten the reason upon which our great nation was founded:

Freedom from an oppressive, arrogant Government

This is not to say that the men and women in office today are necessarily oppressive.  I would rather classify them as dismissive of and condescending towards the very people who put them in office in the first place.

Nearly 234 years ago, Americans attempted to communicate their dissatisfaction with the British in a peaceful manner.  Their words fell on deaf ears.  While reading The Real George Washington by Parry, Allison and Skousen I was struck by the similarities between the sentiments of Americans then and now towards the “Administration”.

Read these quotes and tell me that this is not reflective of the atmosphere of discontent in which we currently live:

When suggested that the Americans write yet another plea to the British government, Washington wrote

“Have we not tried this already?  Have we not addressed the Lords and remonstrated to the Commons? And to what end?  Did they deign to look at our petitions?  Does it not appear, as clear as the sun in its meridian brightness, that there is a regular, systematic plan formed to fix the right and practice of taxation upon us?…”

(Just substitute “taxation” with “health care reform”.)

This one from the authors of The Real George Washington –

“In late May 1774 the House of Burgesses had requested that Virginia’s counties hold citizens’ meetings on the rapidly deteriorating state of Anglo-American relations.  They recognized the vital need for a grass-roots movement, for an increased stirring in the hearts of the citizenry.  Only then could America unite.  Only then would an arrogant Crown – a stubborn Parliament – listen.”

Hmmm…sound familiar?

Even though Harry Reid won’t admit it, Reconciliation seems to be the tactic du jour.  However, unless the real reasons for wanting health care reform are money and power, Reconciliation won’t do them any good.  Reconciliation will only allow budgetary items to be push through, but will not help people with pre-existing conditions, etc.  Those things would have to be passed separately.  So, this being said – WHY NOT SLOW DOWN AND COME UP WITH SOMETHING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE CAN LIVE WITH?!?!

You know, I thought the members of Congress were elected to represent the people of the United States, not the President.  Pretty naïve, huh?  When I heard Pelosi gushing on the Sunday “news” about passing so many items in the Obama agenda I nearly puked from the sugar overdose.  How arrogant of both her and Obama to ask Congress to basically ignore their constituents.  I’m thinkin’ the Anointed One is grooming his daughters for careers in public service.  If not, they will end up with the same crap plan he is trying to shove down our throats.

And, yes, I was one of the nerds who watched the entire health care summit last Thursday.  I have the liver damage from too many Excedrin™ to prove it 😉  Much of it was almost funny.  Almost.  Especially when Obama berated John McCain for “campaigning”.  Seriously? This from the perpetual campaigner himself?  He’s a funny, funny man our President is…

I guess what I would like to see is one freakin’ politician stand up before the American people and tell us honestly why this particular health care reform bill must pass yesterday, admit that he/she is totally ignoring the will of the People and explain the true political motivation behind their decision.  Yeah, right…whose smoking weed now?

2009 “Bite Me” Awards

Welcome to the Inaugural Bite Me Awards show.  The Bite Me was conceived in my warped little mind by a majority of my alternate personalities during a marathon game of Beer Pong.  Obviously, I lost.  The award reflects my views on the major events that occurred during 2009.   So, if you don’t agree with my selection of Bite Me recipients, BITE ME 😉

  • The first Bite Me goes to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano.   She hemmed and hawed when asked if she had reviewed both the Terror Watch List and No-Fly List.  Well, of course she didn’t have time to perform this “minor” task.  Secretary Napolitano was too busy compiling a list of her own.  This one included returning Veterans, members of certain religious organizations, members of the VFW and American Legion, members of the NRA and people affiliated with several grass-roots organizations throughout the United States.  It is entitled the “Domestic Terror Watch list”.  Janet – BITE ME!!!
  • Speaker Nancy Pelosi – Poor thing.  She is obviously operating under the delusion that she is the be-all to end all in the world of…well, in the World PERIOD.  Speaker Pelosi gets a special Bite Me for equating Tea Party protestors to the hateful, anti-gay murderer of Harvey Milk in the 1970’s.
  • Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) has earned an award for this enlightened statement made in reference to the special deals given to certain Senators in order to pass the Health Care Reform bill – “I don’t know if there is a senator that doesn’t have something in this bill that was important to them.  And if they don’t have something in it important to them, then it doesn’t speak well of them.”  Really?  I think this ignorance deserves a very special award for going above and beyond the normal degree of elitist bullshit – the coveted “Constitution?  We don’t need no stinkin’ Constitution!” Award.

Harry, Harry, Harry…read Article I, Section 8, ¶1.  It appears to me that Congress is in clear violation of Constitutional Law.  Just to make it easy on you, I will quote the referenced section:

“The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises SHALL BE UNIFORM THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES:…”

In other words, darlin’, by making some states exempt from paying certain taxes, etc., you have created an atmosphere of inequity and, thus, are in violation of the law as set forth in the Constitution on September 17, 1787.  (Not to mention that little Tenth Amendment thingy.)  Hey, but what do I know?  I’m just a girl.

  • Attorney General Eric Holder gets a Big Apple style “YO!  Bite Me!”  for transferring the terror trials from military to civilian jurisdiction; a) placing undue burdens on the economies of both New York City and the nation as a whole; b) putting NYC residents, 9/11 Victims’ Families, first responders and, again, the entire country through the emotional turmoil of watching scum like KSM and his buddies spew their hatred in open court; and c) giving terrorists the opportunity to learn even more about our security methods and interrogation techniques.  I believe that you and your boss should be held personally liable if it is proven that any future attacks against American Citizens on American Soil were made possible as a direct result of knowledge obtained by terrorists via court transcripts from these trials once they have taken place.
  • A “Mini Bite Me” goes to both NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly (whom I used to have a great respect for) and NYC Mayor Bloomberg for thinking the trials are a good idea.
  • No Bite Me Awards show would be complete without a Redneck, Racist, Gun Owning, Sea Kitten Hatin’, Tea Party Astro-Turfer Bite Me for my favorite Diva of Dementia – Janeane Garofalo!  Unfortunately, Ms. Garofalo could not be here to accept her award in person as she is currently undergoing treatment for depression after learning that both Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin made the New York Times Bestseller List.  We have arranged for a can of Dolphin-safe Tuna to accept this award on her behalf.  (Well, at least there’s a chance the Tuna might say something funny.)

Well, folks, we have come to the part of the evening you have all been waiting for.  In a moment we will award the most prestigious prize to the individual most deserving of our love and respect…according to Him, anyway.  This year’s recipient has had a lifetime of n0n-achievement that has spanned the globe – from the Menteng region of Jakarta to the State of Hawaii he has avoided, evaded, organized, lectured, campaigned and fundraised his way into the highest office in the land. Some of you know him as Barry, Bam, The One or Rock.  Here he is, folks…President Barack Hussein (Soetoro?) Obama II!!!!!!!  Excuse me…What?…Really?  Okay, okay…

Sorry, folks.  It seems the Anointed One will not be here tonight.  As with other important events, he has chosen to play golf instead of accepting responsibility.  Never fear!  We have done well without him so far.  I’m sure we can do without him now and in the future.

I will now present the Bite My Tattooed Ass Award to He Who Walks on Water in absentia.  Barack was chosen for this honor in part because of moments such as:

  • The Beer Summit debacle – His comments 6 days after this incident were classic:
    • “I don’t know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts,…” (He should have shut up at that point, but NO!) “…what role race played in that [Gates case].  But I think it is fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there’s a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.  That’s just a fact.”  (Jeepers, Wally.  Seems like the Beav was just a tad out of control there, huh?)
    • Apology Tours I, II and (who could forget Copenhagen) III.  Not to mention the pre-election, “I’m running for leader of the World” Campaign Apology-in-Advance Tour.
    • How ‘bout those heart-wrenching “get me some ICY HOT™ my back hurts” moments when our beloved President bowed before (oops, meant to say “ inspected the shoes of”) two foreign leaders.
    • Last, but certainly not least, the “Do I Really have to interrupt my freakin’ golf game for THIS!?!?” comments made during his oh-so-greatly-deserved vacation in Hawaii in which the Anointed One referred to the Underwear Bomber (gotta love the warm, fuzzy nick names the press gives to terrorists bent on the destruction of our society) as an “isolated extremist”.  Hmmm…that’s funny.  Nidal Hasan was also an “isolated extremist”.  But, didn’t they both communicate with the same Imam?  Gee, babe, they don’t seem so isolated to me.  I’m just sayin’…

That concludes our awards show this evening.  Thank you all for taking the time to be here with me to celebrate the accomplishments of all of our honorees.

I would like to wish each and every one of you (even Ben 🙂 ) a wonderful, safe and Happy New Year’s Eve.  My heart is with our brave men and women serving our nation overseas and at home.

Talk about Yer “Fishy Disinformation”

Worth more than a child's future?

Worth more than a child's future?

I was very moved by a special report Sean Hannity did on Fox last night.  The government has determined that the fish pictured at the left are more important than one human life.

Are you sick yet?

And, this is not a right or left issue.  Paul Rodriguez (famous comedian) voted for Obama.  If memory serves me correctly, he campaigned for Obama.  Even though Mr. Rodriguez has respect for the office Obama holds, his disillusionment with the current state of affairs in the beautiful San Joaquin Valley of California was obvious.

If you have not yet heard this story, Pelosi and Miller supported a measure to turn off the water supply to hundreds of farms in California in order to re-route the Delta Smelt.  In case you didn’t hear me, they supported a measure to turn off the water supply to hundreds of farms!!!!! The Delta Smelt has been put on the Endangered Species List, which allows Federal Government interference in local politics.  FYI, the smelt are a source of food for the Pacific Salmon.  This was done to appease the Salmon fishing industry.  I guess the Salmon Fishermen are stronger supporters of the Democrats than the farmers in Southern California.

Many farms have gone belly-up, many more are on the brink.  People who have supplied much of our fresh fruits,vegetables and nuts (90% of the Almonds grown in the United States come from the San Joaquin Valley) for generations are now standing on line to receive food stamps.  The migrant workers hired by the San Joaquin farmers have found themselves jobless.  I thought the Left loved their migrant workers.  Obviously not so much.

What I want to know is why this story is only now coming to the forefront.  Why have these people suffered unnoticed for months?  How is the government able to use the Endangered Species Act time and time and time again to suit their personal agendas?   How can we allow this kind of abuse of power to go on?

Who’s next?  Will I turn on my faucet tomorrow and find that I have no water because the cows raised on this ranch fart too much?  I’m sorry to be so blunt, but it may come down to that.  We did have a passing issue with the local government over some jumping mouse that I have never seen.  Thankfully, clearer heads prevailed.

How dare Nancy Pelosi go on television and CRY because people are talking smack to each other over Health Care Reform, yet keep a dry eye and a smile on her face when thousands of her constituents have been left destitute!  How does this woman sleep at night?  Where is the support for these farmers?  I don’t see the kind of rage being displayed by the Left that was shown for the GM workers.  I don’t hear Obama calling Pelosi a “jackass” for allowing this to happen.  Hmmm, if the farmers and laborers made a catchy video and put it on VH1 do you think we might get him to pay attention?

Are you sick YET!?!?