Had to share… (remember, this is not real – it is sarcasm)

fake fb convoThis originally appeared at SuckersOnParade.blogspot.com.




The truth is… Oh, LOOK!!! SHINY THINGS!!!!!

darth-vader-disco-ballDonald Sterling, future former owner of the LA Clippers, is a registered Republican. He is also a racist and one who has been convicted of discrimination based on race and ethnicity in regard to his real estate holdings. This is true and the Liberal Media is having a field day with it.

  •       Shiny Thing – Those damned Conservatives and their cohorts in crime, the Republicans, are at it again. Racist bastards. “No doubt there are plenty of racists in the Democratic Party, but day by day by day it becomes even clearer that the Republican Party is the real home to racists.” (The New Civil Rights Movement, April 28, 2014)
  •       Truth – Donald Sterling donated $2,000 to the campaign coffers of Sen. Bill Bradley (D-NJ), $1,000 to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and $1,000 to Gov. Gray Davis (D-CA). There is no record that Donald Sterling contributed to Republican candidates. (littlesis.org) Why he remains a RHINO is beyond me. However, his history is well known and the Democratic candidates who accepted his money became conveniently ignorant for the sake of the almighty campaign contribution. Is this not “racism by proxy”?

Syria is a mess. It seems that bodies are floating down the main river – victims of the government or the Al Qaeda linked “freedom fighters” is unknown. Biological weapons are still being used by Assad against his own people, despite the promise to our Ego in Chief that they would be dismantled and destroyed. Putin is running with scissors, laughing as he dances across the Ukraine. Iran is increasing their employment numbers by working feverishly to build their precious centrifuges since most of the sanctions against them have been lifted. An American Pastor languishes in one of the most dangerous prisons in that dung pit. In other words, America doesn’t mean shit to the despots of the world anymore. The administration has seriously damaged our standing in the world in one swell foop.

  •       Shiny Thing – Some crazy rancher is grazing his cattle on federal lands and threatening tortoises. He is a tax cheat and should be in prison. His supporters had guns. They scared the BLM (and whatever paramilitary troops were there to back them up) and, to top it all off HE IS A RACIST!!!!!
  •       Truth – Yes, Cliven Bundy has not paid his federal grazing fees for 20 years, but he has made payments to Clark County, Nevada on a regular basis for the use of this property (which I assume is paid for by taxpayers and belongs to every American citizen equally). However, there is a fine line between fees and taxes, as Barry should know. That fine distinction is the only reason we are stuck with his crap health care bill. Until the BLM decided that the land near the Bundy Ranch was a good place for a solar farm, Mr. Bundy was brought to court twice and the matter seemed to fade as time went by. The jury is out as to whether he is a racist or is simply not articulate enough to properly explain the concept of government control he believes is holding all of us down.
  •       Truth – Any “Commander in Chief” who believes that Putin is just a regional annoyance, or that making friends with the Iranians by giving them money is a good thing is a fucking moron and I am not afraid to call it as I see it. Any “President” who has not made one iota of effort to free three American hostages – a doctor in Pakistan, a soldier in Afghanistan (we think) and a pastor in Iran – will never get my respect.
  •       Truth – If Barry draws any more “red lines” in the sand, the earth is going to resemble Mars when viewed from the International Space Station. And, some of that red will be the blood of innocents. And, this happened on his watch.

On September 11, 2012, four Americans were murdered while serving our country in Benghazi, Libya. As I showed in a previous post, our government was warned of possible actions against Americans and American interests well ahead of this horrible tragedy. New emails were released proving that the idea to blame the attacks at Benghazi on a really bad, soft-porn video was concocted by Barry and his band of Merry Muckrakers.

  •       Shiny Thing – Fox News won’t report anything good Sir Ego does. According to him, he has had many successes that don’t get any press. Don’t hate the player, hate the press. They, particularly Fox, will not let things go when they are clearly over, solved, finito, nothing but manufactured crises. None of this matters anymore – but LOOK!!!! I played soccer with a robot!!!!
  •       Shiny Thing 2 – Because President George W. Bush went after Sadam Hussein, Al Qaeda was allowed to run rampant across the Middle East and in America. Once again, it is all George Bush’s fault (yawn).
  •       Truth – The more time goes by, the more we come to realize what we already suspected to be the truth – President Obama was directly involved in manipulating (and I am being nice) the facts about Benghazi in order to win a second term. He is not going to slip out of this one with a glass of beer and a handshake. Not this time.
  •       Truth – Even though The Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014 proposed by Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) is supposedly aimed at racist, sexist and every other form of “ist” speech used online, etc., it opens the door for the government to tag as Hate Speech words written by those who disagree with them – sort of like Facebook is doing.  Here is the excuse they are using to once again attempt to restrict our First Amendment Rights – “’We have recently seen in Kansas the deadly destruction and loss of life that hate speech can fuel in the United States, which is why it is critical to ensure the Internet, television and radio are not encouraging hate crimes or hate speech that is not outside the protection of the First Amendment,’ said Markey.” (adweek.com)(emphasis added). Only because I love to pound things home with a sledgehammer – notice the law calls for regulating speech that IS protected by our First Amendment.

