The truth is… Oh, LOOK!!! SHINY THINGS!!!!!

darth-vader-disco-ballDonald Sterling, future former owner of the LA Clippers, is a registered Republican. He is also a racist and one who has been convicted of discrimination based on race and ethnicity in regard to his real estate holdings. This is true and the Liberal Media is having a field day with it.

  •       Shiny Thing – Those damned Conservatives and their cohorts in crime, the Republicans, are at it again. Racist bastards. “No doubt there are plenty of racists in the Democratic Party, but day by day by day it becomes even clearer that the Republican Party is the real home to racists.” (The New Civil Rights Movement, April 28, 2014)
  •       Truth – Donald Sterling donated $2,000 to the campaign coffers of Sen. Bill Bradley (D-NJ), $1,000 to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and $1,000 to Gov. Gray Davis (D-CA). There is no record that Donald Sterling contributed to Republican candidates. ( Why he remains a RHINO is beyond me. However, his history is well known and the Democratic candidates who accepted his money became conveniently ignorant for the sake of the almighty campaign contribution. Is this not “racism by proxy”?

Syria is a mess. It seems that bodies are floating down the main river – victims of the government or the Al Qaeda linked “freedom fighters” is unknown. Biological weapons are still being used by Assad against his own people, despite the promise to our Ego in Chief that they would be dismantled and destroyed. Putin is running with scissors, laughing as he dances across the Ukraine. Iran is increasing their employment numbers by working feverishly to build their precious centrifuges since most of the sanctions against them have been lifted. An American Pastor languishes in one of the most dangerous prisons in that dung pit. In other words, America doesn’t mean shit to the despots of the world anymore. The administration has seriously damaged our standing in the world in one swell foop.

  •       Shiny Thing – Some crazy rancher is grazing his cattle on federal lands and threatening tortoises. He is a tax cheat and should be in prison. His supporters had guns. They scared the BLM (and whatever paramilitary troops were there to back them up) and, to top it all off HE IS A RACIST!!!!!
  •       Truth – Yes, Cliven Bundy has not paid his federal grazing fees for 20 years, but he has made payments to Clark County, Nevada on a regular basis for the use of this property (which I assume is paid for by taxpayers and belongs to every American citizen equally). However, there is a fine line between fees and taxes, as Barry should know. That fine distinction is the only reason we are stuck with his crap health care bill. Until the BLM decided that the land near the Bundy Ranch was a good place for a solar farm, Mr. Bundy was brought to court twice and the matter seemed to fade as time went by. The jury is out as to whether he is a racist or is simply not articulate enough to properly explain the concept of government control he believes is holding all of us down.
  •       Truth – Any “Commander in Chief” who believes that Putin is just a regional annoyance, or that making friends with the Iranians by giving them money is a good thing is a fucking moron and I am not afraid to call it as I see it. Any “President” who has not made one iota of effort to free three American hostages – a doctor in Pakistan, a soldier in Afghanistan (we think) and a pastor in Iran – will never get my respect.
  •       Truth – If Barry draws any more “red lines” in the sand, the earth is going to resemble Mars when viewed from the International Space Station. And, some of that red will be the blood of innocents. And, this happened on his watch.

On September 11, 2012, four Americans were murdered while serving our country in Benghazi, Libya. As I showed in a previous post, our government was warned of possible actions against Americans and American interests well ahead of this horrible tragedy. New emails were released proving that the idea to blame the attacks at Benghazi on a really bad, soft-porn video was concocted by Barry and his band of Merry Muckrakers.

  •       Shiny Thing – Fox News won’t report anything good Sir Ego does. According to him, he has had many successes that don’t get any press. Don’t hate the player, hate the press. They, particularly Fox, will not let things go when they are clearly over, solved, finito, nothing but manufactured crises. None of this matters anymore – but LOOK!!!! I played soccer with a robot!!!!
  •       Shiny Thing 2 – Because President George W. Bush went after Sadam Hussein, Al Qaeda was allowed to run rampant across the Middle East and in America. Once again, it is all George Bush’s fault (yawn).
  •       Truth – The more time goes by, the more we come to realize what we already suspected to be the truth – President Obama was directly involved in manipulating (and I am being nice) the facts about Benghazi in order to win a second term. He is not going to slip out of this one with a glass of beer and a handshake. Not this time.
  •       Truth – Even though The Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014 proposed by Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) is supposedly aimed at racist, sexist and every other form of “ist” speech used online, etc., it opens the door for the government to tag as Hate Speech words written by those who disagree with them – sort of like Facebook is doing.  Here is the excuse they are using to once again attempt to restrict our First Amendment Rights – “’We have recently seen in Kansas the deadly destruction and loss of life that hate speech can fuel in the United States, which is why it is critical to ensure the Internet, television and radio are not encouraging hate crimes or hate speech that is not outside the protection of the First Amendment,’ said Markey.” ( added). Only because I love to pound things home with a sledgehammer – notice the law calls for regulating speech that IS protected by our First Amendment.

A Fly’s Butt hair…

I’m sorry, Secretary Kerry.  You impress me just about a fly’s butt hair more than Barry – but only because you don’t appear as condescending in your manner of speech.  (I can’t believe I actually said that.)  This awful situation in Syria should have been acted upon months and months ago.

Did the people who accused President Bush of lying about the existence of WMDs in Iraq ever wonder how thousands of Kurds (and other “undesirable” citizens) ended up buried in mass graves without a bullet hole, knife wound, etc., in one of them?  What – they died from a Febreze™ overdose?  Wouldn’t you agree that these people suffered “inconceivable horror” at the hands of Saddam Hussein just as the citizens of Syria are today?  What a damned hypocrite you are.  Did anyone in the UN (or US for that matter) take the time to follow the trail and see WHERE the weapons ended up when they were smuggled out of Iraq under cover of darkness – or however they secreted them – before the UN Inspectors were able to locate them?   Uhm, Ketchup Man, I think we found them.

Your buddy, Barry, can play his little Executive Order game when there is an immediate threat to the United States.  You know, like big planes flying into the WTC, Pentagon and Shanksville and killing nearly 3,000 people.  President Bush filed an Executive Order to invade Iraq and in October 2002 he consulted Congress so they could vote on a more formal document authorizing military action against Iraq.  What immediate threat is there against the US?  

Barry, you have waited so long that this has become a much more complicated issue that poses threats to some of our allies overseas.  Put the red Sharpie™ down and back away from your kids’ art table.  We are kind of stuck out in the Gulf with our thumbs up our asses because Assad has certainly been playing the Sarin Shuffle like a mad man.  Where is the bow of the ship you are going to fire across today?  Oh, and by the way, thank you so much for clarifying to this fucknut  that there aren’t actually going to be missile strikes.  Did you send him a note with little roses imprinted on it that reads “Dear Bashir, If a big shiny metal thing comes flying over your house, it is just us trying to look like we have balls.  Have a nice day and we apologize in advance for any stress cracks our phony show of force may create in any of your buildings.  Sincerely, Barry”

It might be a good idea to investigate why Russia and China walked out of the meeting at the UN. (,0,3436636.story )  Putin hates your guts, he’s KGB (you say ex, I call bullshit) and my personal opinion is that he has been working with Iran on something for a very long time.  China nearly owns us financially.  Do we sincerely need to piss them off?  Both have nukes.  If Bush were President I would have 100% faith that he could organize the right people to deal with all of the intricacies of this issue.  I get the sense that you probably have trouble figuring out your TV remote.

Oh, just a little piece of advice for ya – if one of our oldest, most loyal allies says “Fuck YOU!  You’re on your own on this one”, you may want to really, really take a moment and ask yourself why…

Just for S&G, I am going to repost something I wrote when you told the world our troops would be pulling out of Afghanistan.  Sort of like telling Assad you aren’t really going to hit anything, you know?  You need to read this.  It’s a real killer – literally…

After last night’s address to the nation concerning his Afghan Strategy, the Anointed One received many notes of thanks from around the globe:

Dear President Obama,

Thank you so much for the information concerning your projected date of withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Your advice is of great import to us as it will save our Brothers much time and effort.  We can now concentrate on training our troops, stockpiling weapons and recruitment for a future takeover of Afghanistan.

In the meantime, we will continue to rest in Pakistan.  This is sorely needed as we have been fighting for many years and our bones are weary.

In closing, we have one favor to ask you.  Do you think you might find it in your heart to send us a Wii?  The nights are long and television sucks here.

With great respect and appreciation,


Here’s one from an unnamed Afghani National Guardsman:

Mr. President,

Thank you sooo much for letting us know in advance that we are SCREWED.  Your half-assed commitment to our cause is truly heartwarming.

Last night 200 recruits fled into the night.  I believe I heard them say they were going to Pakistan to play Wii with the Taliban.  I have no idea what this means, but it doesn’t sound good.

Anonymous in Afghanistan

Then there was this one from our European Allies:


Are you f***ing serious!?!?

Good Lord, man, do you really expect us to commit more troops to Afghanistan when you have given up before you even start?  Why should anyone back your play when you are clearly not interested in victory?

We will have to think long and hard about putting more young men and women in harm’s way for a cause that even the United States of America does not believe in.  You will be hearing from us in, oh, ninety days or so…

And, finally:

Mr. President, Sir:

I am writing to express my deep appreciation for your commitment to our Armed Forces.  My fellow Marines and I were able to watch your speech on Fox this morning.

We especially enjoyed the part when you said we will be getting some relief by 2010.  I never realized what a funny guy you are.  Maybe you can invite my family over for a beer after my funeral.

A United States Marine

Fleed, Flied, Flewed…

At the beginning of the NSA Whistleblower story, I supported Edward Snowden’s release of information regarding the government hoarding of gazillions of pieces of information from private citizens’ personal emails, cell phones, etc.  To that extent, I still support him.

Not only is the facility in Utah a gigantic waste of our taxpayer dollars, but it is creepy at a level far beyond anything Orwell ever imagined.  Add to that the drone program which will (paraphrasing) never, ever, ever be used against American citizens within our own borders and the creepiness reaches nearly incomprehensible levels.

I just want to know “Why Hong Kong?”  “Why Russia?”  If you believe in what you are doing with all your heart, and have the welfare of your fellow Americans first and foremost in your mind, why not follow regular channels under the protection of the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989.  Because, whether he was aware of it or not, he can’t.

“Generally, current employees, former employees, or applicants for employment to positions in the executive branch of government in both the competitive and the excepted service, as well as positions in the Senior Executive Service, are considered covered employees. However, those positions that are excepted from the competitive service because of their ‘confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character,’ and any positions exempted by the President based on a determination that it is necessary and warranted by conditions of good administration, are not protected by the whistleblower statute. Moreover, the statute does not apply to federal workers employed by the Postal Service or the Postal Rate Commission, the Government Accountability Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, the National Security Agency, and any other executive entity that the President determines primarily conducts foreign intelligence or counter-intelligence activities” (WPA of 1989).

I do not know if Snowden is just naïve or doesn’t give a damn, but it seems as though he has no protection available to him under this Act.  Basically, he is “A Man without a Country”.   If he comes back to America, he will be charged with espionage (at the very least).  Putin seems not to care where he goes – as long as it isn’t Russia.  Although, I would not put it past Vlad to offer him up like a roast suckling pig in exchange for one or two of their spies currently being held in the US.  Who knows what China thinks.  I guess if they wanted him, he would be in Beijing right now – not an airport in Moscow.

There are a few little totalitarian nations who would love to have the “American Whistleblower” so they could parade him around and show the world how evil America is.  Snowden would be treated like a King…for about a minute and a half.   Then it would come down to a game of “Let’s Make a Deal” with the US either on the part of Snowden or the dictator of whatever inconsequential country he lands in.  Does Edward Snowden realize that he has about 45 seconds left of his 15 minutes of fame?  Unless he stole secrets that could blow the lid off of our intelligence-gathering network, he has nothing more to offer.

This is why I chose to wait and not give my opinion until the dust settled.  I was all warm and fuzzy towards the guy because this story vindicated President Bush to an extent, and exposed Barry as the kind of dude who talks out of both sides of his ass.  Not that we weren’t already aware of that charming trait.  “’The number of authorizations the Justice Department received to use these devices [pen register and tap & trace] on individuals’ email and network data increased 361% between 2009 and 2011,’ the ACLU said” (

Now I am a little more cold and prickly.  Edward Snowden managed to capture the hearts of many in the nation for revealing the extent to which government control over our lives under the Anointed One has spread.  Perhaps this was the “look over here – not over there” part of his plan.  I suspect his goal is to damage our trust in our own government (although they’ve done a good job of that themselves), weaken our stance in the eyes of the world (Barry beat him to it, though) and live in a country where he is considered a hero and not just an everyday schlub high school dropout in a semi-boring government job.  If my suspicions are true,  Eddie will soon find out that it is better to be a free schlub than a captive former hero who is of no value to those who will soon control his life.