ADHD Moment…

Fair Warning: I am pissed off and, therefore, do not give a rat’s left testicle about hiding it. That being said, I am not going to waste my time cleverly disguising the “bad words” that pop up in my writing. If you don’t wish to read “bad words”, I suggest you do not read this post. God Bless America and my right to have a potty mouth if I so choose. 🙂

This is not another “excuse post” for why I haven’t written in so long. Hopefully, there are one or two readers left on my page. No explanation for the absence, really, except to say that I am overwhelmed with the level of stupidity going on in our country. (Yes, my MS black holes have been particularly annoying lately, but I bought enough asphalt to fill them in for a while.) It is so hard to concentrate on one thing when another rears its ugly head an hour later. After a nutritious breakfast of Gorton’s Fish Sticks™ and store brand Tater Tots, I now have my hip waders on and am ready to trudge through the muck.

I am so DAMNED tired of being lied to, having my intelligence insulted and being treated as an entity that only thinks with her uterus by our government and a majority of the Liberals currently running for office. Not all in government, nor all candidates, are guilty of this but most are.

Barry, ISIS (not ISIL, you jerk) calls itself the Islamic State. Because We the People have never been privy to your school records, I am going to assume that you did not do well in the reading comprehension department. Or is it that you so fear using terms like Islamic Extremists, Terrorists, Jihadists or Radical Islamists because that would blow the whole terrorists are on the run thing that you feel the need to deny the existence of Islamic beliefs in the minds of those scumbags running rampant across Iraq, Syria and who the hell knows where else. For your information, using the acronym ISIL is an insult to our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel. Levant, according to Princeton’s WordNet, is “the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean that is now occupied by Lebanon, Syria and Israel”. I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that research was not high on your list of “things I did well in school” either. Israel is not a part of this and would rather fight to the death than let one of those hooded murderers plant one of their flags on her soil. You would know that if you cared to actually get to know the Israelis instead of wasting your time trying to present anyone killing on behalf of Islam as warm, fuzzy and misunderstood – a deranged outcast who had no choice but to commit “workplace violence”. Last time I looked, a vacant desert in the middle of nowhere was not really considered a workplace – unless your work is beheading innocents.

Don’t think we haven’t been keeping track of all of the issues you have been suspiciously silent on of late, dear. I have been hip to your political manipulations since you began your campaign for President the first time. The heck with storing food and ammo. I am stockpiling aspirin and beer – oh, Yukon Jack, too – because I (like millions of others) are quite aware that we are going to get hit with a shit ton of Executive Orders and other potential violations of Constitutional Law after your party loses the majority in the Senate. Why, for instance, do we suddenly need thirty-four million blank work permits and green cards? Could it be that you are planning to give those poor MS13 members (oops, my bad – displaced children) and their adult supervisors amnesty after the mid-term elections? No, not YOU! That would cost Americans jobs and we all know how much you give a flying fuck about the American Middle Class! Still, if anyone asks you or your talking head Ernest about this, all we hear are crickets.

You should be a contestant on “Dancing with the Stars” because of all of the fancy footwork you have displayed dancing around the issue of diseases being brought into this country through our wide open southern border – not to mention the whole pesky Ebola thingy. I am not one to panic about such things. If it gets much worse I will consider it. In the meantime, a friend of mine and two of her children came down with D68. Thank God they are okay. Funny thing, though. They became ill after two busloads of kids from South America and Mexico were dumped 10 miles from their home and began attending the public schools there. Coincidence – I think not. She is now home schooling her children as are many others in her area. Why is it so hard to quarantine people who come into our country illegally, or from countries where there is a raging epidemic of a deadly virus?   That is not racist. It is Common Sensist! In case you haven’t noticed “Oh, look! A squirrel!” isn’t going to work anymore when it comes to the health of our children, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. I believe you have finally stepped on the last nerve of the American Moms and Dads and there is no turning back.

So, how does it feel to be unloved? Well, you don’t care. Not really. You just pull out your spoiled bitch card and remind potential voters that no matter what the Democratic candidates say, they will turn around and vote your policies in once they are in office. Between you and me, Barry babe, WE ALL FUCKING HEARD YOU! Cat’s out of the bag, sweet cheeks! I wonder how many BHO voodoo dolls are hidden in the drawers of Liberal candidates across the country. If you were wondering why your golf game might be suffering more so than usual, you might want to ask the Secret Service to check out their offices. After all, it isn’t like they are busy guarding the White House or anything. 😉

I have some shocking news for you, Barry. You are not our first Black President. You are our first mixed race President. You of all people should be concerned for ALL Americans, not just those you feel will get you the most votes. Unless something unforeseen happens, this is your last hurrah and playing the race card 24/7 is a moot point now. In fact, you have screwed up things for minorities more than any other President in my memory. Okay, okay you probably sucked at History, too. Just to help you out a little, it was the Dixiecrats who suppressed the African Americans in the earlier days, not the Republicans. FYI, your “favorite President” was a Republican! Yessiree, Bob! Lincoln was a Republican! The first Democrat that I personally can recall who helped the cause of the African Americans in those sad, horrible days in our nation’s history was John F. Kennedy. Martin Luther King, Jr., though never a President, was apolitical (that means he belonged neither to the Democratic or Republican party – just so you don’t have to look it up) and believed in peaceful protests. What you and your BFF Holder are doing is so divergent to the teachings of Dr. King that it makes me want to puke. Ferguson, Missouri is, quite frankly, none of your business. It is a local situation that was a tragedy before you, Holder and Tawana Brawley’s very own Reverend Al turned it into a calamity. Not only did your involvement stir up the bees nest and cause both Black and White owned businesses to be destroyed by mobs out to get as much cash and free shit as they could over the dead body of an 18-year-old man and the reputation of a local police officer, but you all seem to have washed your hands of it and waded through the rubble that is left of that town as you hauled balls back to your respective cozy offices. Sadly this is a pattern we are all too familiar with. I, for one, am sick of it. Let the states take care of the states. Start paying attention to what you were hired for. When we need you, we know how to get hold of you. I am sure Valerie knows what golf course you are on at any given moment.

Please, please, PLEASE stop accusing the GOP of being in bed with the wealthy and big business. You know that old saying, “People in glass houses [yada, yada, yada]…” George Soros doesn’t look like he has missed many meals, nor has Warren Buffet or Bill and Melinda Gates, although neither of the Gates’ are “pudgy”. Mark Zuckerberg is pretty fit, yet I am certain he eats well. In my opinion, things go better with Koch anyway. Instead of finding ways to screw Americans out of energy jobs, they and others have worked to improve the safety and “environmental synchronicity with nature” of the industry so that more Americans CAN work.

There is no war on women in general. There is, however, a war on Conservative and right-leaning women AND African Americans. Go ahead, try to deny it. We (those with common sense) know that the whole “uterus” issue is just a fear tactic your party is using because you have nothing else. The constant liturgy of “Uncle Tom” accusations is evidence of that, too. Sad, really. If I didn’t think two more years of a Democratic Senate would be economically and legislatively dangerous for our country, I would almost feel sorry for y’all. Just joking – no I wouldn’t.

One last thing – leave our fucking guns alone. Chicago is not in the mess it’s in because of legal gun owners. Are there any? Oh, yeah, the ones guarding your other BFF Rahm. Gang members don’t go to gun safety classes and become licensed. Nor do they go on the waiting list in order to buy a handgun. They buy them illegally. I mean, really, you can’t be that stupid. No you just think we are.

Sorry, hon. Ivory towers and golf carts are not the best places from which to lead the greatest nation in the world. You actually need to be present and give a damn.

Anti-Gun Nut Orgasms to Commence in 3…2…1

Tragically, yet another school shooting occurred today. Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Oregon was the scene of the shooting. Since it happened within the past 2 to 3 hours, details are scarce. The only fact police will confirm is that the shooter is dead.

We know nothing about the person who made a conscious decision to go to this school with the intention of harming or killing someone, but it has been reported that Reynolds High School does not have armed security personnel within the building.  Although they do have two police officers on the school grounds, the officers are located outside not within the building where most school shootings occur.  If they hear the shots, the officers have to run to the building, determine where the sounds came from and waste time locating the shooter.  If armed security personnel were located within the building at various locations, their chances of ending an incident and preventing further tragedy would be much greater.

I believe that any town council or school board members who vote to declare our schools “Gun Free Zones” (You know, a building containing hundreds of children with an implied open invitation to “Come on in and harm our kids. We’ll wait for the police.”) should be charged as accessories to any crimes committed by an individual (or individuals) with a knife, firearm, bomb or other device.   Stationing armed, well-trained security personnel within our schools would not invite more incidents such as this. It would discourage them. If teachers were permitted to carry licensed firearms and receive proper training from either the FBI or local police agencies, it would discourage potential shooters from trying. However, that would make sense and we all know those who seek to eradicate personal firearms from the face of the earth don’t have any.

Another issue is that teachers and parents need to PAY A-FUCKING-TTENTION to their kids! Are they much more depressed than the average teenager? Are they angry all of the time? Do they isolate themselves from the family or other kids their age? Are their grades slipping? Do they express anxiety about going to school? A million clues can reveal themselves if you take the time to look. I personally believe that school shootings have very little to do with the gun, and a great deal to do with the mental state of the person holding it. One or two hours a week with a psychologist or psychiatrist could save ten or twenty lives in some cases.

We, as a society, need to understand that there are those who struggle tremendously to feel comfortable in social situations. They cannot relate to people and simple therapy sessions are not enough. Willowbrook is gone and the regulations for in-patient mental health care are much more stringent than even ten years ago. Inspections are more frequent and many times the families have an important role in the care regimen for their loved ones. Why, then, is it so difficult for a highly trained psychiatrist to place a patient in one of these facilities if they feel the patient is a danger to him/herself or others?

Banning firearms is not the answer. There have been several incidents of late in which the weapon has been a kitchen knife. Are we going to be required to register our cutlery next?