Temper Tantrums

Obama throwing a tantrum

We don’t have time for this crap. Partisan politics, ignoring our allies because Congress did not “follow protocol”, giving notice in advance that policies the people want to see changed, passed or eliminated will be vetoed, being told we are riding on our high horse above the rest of the world… We just don’t have time.

If I went through the list of times Barry did not “follow protocol”, this would be a twenty page post. That is not to say that tit-for-tat is the right way to deal with his particular brand of immaturity, but I can understand it. Years of enduring belittlement, false accusations (such as shutting down the government when we know damned well that horse was owned by Harry and the Dems in the Senate), working to pass bills only to have Harry Greed sit on them – refusing to put them up for a vote in the Senate – and public castigation by Barry during televised conferences can make one a tad testy, to say the least. Although I was never a fan of Bill Clinton’s policies in general, I respected the way he worked with a Republican majority Congress for the sake of America and her people.   I am not as confident that his wife would do the same, but she is inconsequential in my opinion.

Why does the Ego in Chief have such a hard time understanding his role as President? Why is the Democratic wing of the House led by Nancy Pelosi even considering being unavailable for Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the joint Congress? Why is our Vice President suddenly making a trip overseas (and if you believe this was scheduled a long time ago, I have a mountain for sale up here in the Rockies)? If I were one of their constituents, I would be livid. Israel is our ally. They are afloat at sea amidst a gam of sharks known as Islamic Extremists and I feel it is our obligation to at least listen to what Netanyahu has to say before passing judgment one way or another. Barry had time to entertain a group of Muslim “leaders” which included a player for the NBA (but not Dr. Zuhdi Jasser – a decorated Naval Veteran and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy), yet he is throwing a public hissy fit and refuses to meet with Netanyahu? His lack of class is glaringly obvious. But, then again, Netanyahu is just a “chicken shit” and not worthy of the Anointed One’s respect, right? I mean, he only served in Israel’s Sayeret Matkal Special Forces unit when he was in the Israeli military. Gee, Barry, I forgot. What unit did you serve in in our military?

I detest Michael Moore, yet I have read two of his books. They sucked, but one cannot have an intelligent argument without hearing from both sides. I do not understand parents who do not give their children an opportunity to experience some form of religion in their younger years. How can a person make an informed decision later in life without having a basis for that decision? I went to a Congregationalist Church in my youth, but am nonreligious now. Spiritual, yes. However, I have way more faith in God than man. How do you know you hate avocados if you have never tasted one? How does anyone in government know if they agree or disagree with the ideas of others if they don’t open their damned minds and listen to the other side before dismissing them off-hand?

Both parties are guilty of being the boy in the bubble and it needs to stop – now. Whether they wish to admit it or not, we are at war with an enemy who would love nothing better than to see all Western nations obliterated from the face of the earth. In many cases they disguise themselves as fruitful citizens of the very countries they wish to destroy. This is not the type of war we are used to. It is as much psychological as traditional – perhaps more so. That being said, we must be ever watchful.

ISIS is by far the most dangerous cult we have faced in decades. A cult, you ask? Yes. Not much different in tactics and approach than Jim Jones, Charles Manson or the KKK. They target socially disassociated individuals and promise them many things – respect and fear from those who have hurt them in the past, the respect and honor of a god (or, in Manson’s case, Charlie himself), the respect and acceptance of others in the cult and the ability to destroy those they perceive to have tried to destroy them.

However, the aforementioned were pussycats compared to ISIS. Why? Well, for several reasons. Social media did not exist when those cults were in their heyday. Charismatic leaders with evil intent did not have the ability to stretch their tentacles across oceans or continents to reach their intended targets. Photos were carefully distributed as they are today. However, video was not available for international distribution, especially the professionally produced videos we see currently. In most cases, a person wishing to join the cults of yesterday had to physically attend church meetings, rallies or party with Charlie in order to become an initiate. I am not saying the KKK does not still exist, by the way. They have been made all but impotent because people reject their message more than accept it in today’s world.  The media did not report on the atrocities committed by those groups with the frequency and fervor that they do ISIS. The Manson murders were a big story for a bit. So was the People’s Temple massacre. But they soon faded into the ionosphere, as did the crimes committed by the Klan. And, in many cases the despicable acts of the Klan were committed in Southern States in which the media chose not to report on them at all.

ISIS is reaching into our children’s bedrooms and snatching their psyches right out from under our noses and POTUS can’t seem to grasp this concept. Statements by him and his administration show their naiveté over and over again. It is almost as though they perceive ISIS and the rest of the world as nothing more than siblings sitting in the back seat of the family truckster screaming “He’s on my side!” or “I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!” and all we have to do is yell at them and it will all stop. It is not going to stop. The killing of innocent children is not going to stop. The rape of young girls is not going to stop. The danger to Israel, those being held hostage, our homeland and the blameless caught in the crossfire is not going to stop. Killing our citizens on our soil is not going to stop. And if POTUS and Congress don’t end the bickering that has become all too common in DC these days and come up with a cogent plan to obliterate this boil from the ass of the world, it is only going to get worse. Then it will be all but impossible to stop.


I am not sure how this post is going to turn out. There is sadness, frustration and, yes, resignation flowing through my thoughts and I am not happy with any of those emotions.

Is the sadness a result of the knowledge that most Americans are willing to accept what those in DC are feeding us? A consequence of years of misinformation from both the White House and Congress that we have gotten to the point of “accepting those things [we] cannot change”? Or, the realization that we CAN change them, but are too lazy to do so? What happened to the American Spirit? Yeah, sure, we make snarky, sarcastic remarks about the policies and lack of same of the Ego in Chief. We yell at the TV when yet another insane proposal is made by a member of Congress that we know will never see the light of day or Barry acts like a little child by refusing to meet with our most treasured ally in the Middle East because he chose to talk to a joint session of Congress without permission. We sigh at the announcement of more committees to investigate the findings of other committees that were formed to decide if the very first committee’s findings were just partisan hogwash. Then we let them spend money that we really don’t have to fund said committees, bitch about the national debt under our breaths and bemoan the fact that we can do nothing about it.

Trust me. I am no better than any other American. I bitch, piss and moan right along with the rest of you. I wrack my brain trying to figure out what my one voice can do to change what our nation has become. Talking to the television has become second nature. My dogs think I’m nuts. No, not nuts. Just frustrated. I believed our Constitution would not allow us to get to this point. I believed that those we voted into office would respect the most important document in the history of our great nation. Instead, most of those in DC seem to spend time emulating the NFL – trying to figure out how to run plays that avoid the defensive line our forefathers built to save us from what we have become so that they can score points for their personal campaigns. Just another check in the “win column” so that they can use that to hold on to their cushy government jobs and become Legacies in the DC world. Short of leaving our homes and parking our butts on their doorsteps 24/7 (which seems not to work well, either) what recourse do we have? Do I sound defeatist? Perhaps. I really am not that kind of girl. Believe me, I have been reading and studying a lot over the past few years. The only power we seem to have, short of physically removing those who seem determined to ignore the will of the people and undermine the good works our forefathers did, is the power of our words. However, if our words are crumpled into a ball and thrown in the trash time after time after time, who among us is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and eradicate the cockroaches in the cupboard? Very few, I believe. We talk a good game. Then, we look at our comfy couches, flat screen TVs, fairly well-stocked pantries and sedentary lives and say to ourselves “Do I really want to jeopardize all of this for freedom?”

Freedom. Ha. Are we truly free when our government can tell us that we count less than those who cross the border illegally? That we should accept the fact that many American citizens will lose their jobs to H1B rated illegal workers who have been given Social Security numbers and drivers’ licenses? That the illnesses our children are contracting are just minor inconveniences we must endure in order to have a more affordable work force? Allow me a moment of immaturity. I have heard people labeled “stupid” because they believe the more recent epidemics of diseases that had been wiped out in America are the result of unvaccinated children crossing our border. You are “stupid” if you believe this is not the case. Immaturity moment has ended. Will those immigration advocates be so protective over illegals when the M13 roles double and triple in hard hit inner city communities and the death tolls rise, or will they join the rest of us in demanding better border security and a larger police presence in those areas? No, they will join in making more videos and organize demonstrations demanding the death of police officers. I used to criticize the police for accepting “toys” from the federal government – things that seem like overkill (pardon the pun) in small towns that previously knew nothing of violent crimes. I even deduced that they could be used if the Anointed One decided to declare Martial Law based upon some manufactured national crisis. That is a belief I still hold in the back of my mind, but after Ferguson I can sort of understand the desire of smaller police organizations to own equipment that can compensate for the lack of personnel if serious situations arise. Sort of…

Because Americans are constantly being pitted against one another based on race, ethnicity and religion day after day by the likes of Holder, Sharpton and Obama (and a whole host of others), we are ignoring one of the biggest threats to our nation since 1993. ISIS is not a threat to us since they are predominantly in Syria and Iraq? Really!?!? I am sure the rookie cops who were attacked by the man screaming “Allahu Akbar” and wielding a hatchet might disagree. Perhaps those who survived Fort Hood would have a thing or two to say about that. Or how about the family of the soldier killed at the Recruitment Center in Arkansas? The list can go on and on. Is it possible that the level of ignorance in the White House is so great that they believe one ocean will stop them dead in their tracks and put a halt to any violence in the United States? Does what people did 800 or 500 years ago in the name of Christ really even out the playing field? I guess we are supposed to accept the rapes, live burials, beheadings and burnings of live human beings because Christians committed heinous acts centuries ago. Just forgive and forget. We had our time, this is theirs. My inner angry woman keeps asking, “Is it January 20, 2017 yet?” I don’t know if our Republic can hold on that long.

It is sad that recalling the days of Jim Crow, Watts, Internment Camps during WWII, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or the Sandy Creek Massacre in Colorado can be used time and again to classify us as a nation of hate and divisiveness, but we are Islamophobic when we mention the crimes against humanity committed by ISIS. Sorry, Barry, I would rather be classified an Islamophobe than declared dead after a terrorist attack on US soil – which is inevitable and a lot more imminent than you think. I agree that what has happened to minorities in our nation, or original citizens such as the Native Americans, were horrific. We have worked hard as a nation to correct those wrongs. Not perfect yet, but we have come farther than many other nations in the world to mend our wounds. Although, you seem to be doing all you can to destroy the good we have accomplished. We need to concentrate on the threats of today, not the mistakes made in the past, if we want to survive as a nation. But, I have resigned myself to the belief that you truly dislike America.

This may sound like a strong statement. Maybe if you, just once, sounded sincere when you talk about protecting us and our most treasured way of life I would not feel that way. Perhaps if you stopped blaming the past and started fighting for the future for the sake of our children and grandchildren, I would excuse you for some of your lack of enthusiasm. Sadly, I stand by my statement that you dislike America. You seem to want a Saul Alinsky “paradise”. Those who choose not to educate themselves may think this would be a perfect world if their only source of information was the wide-eyed oratory of cult-like liberal Alinskyites. However, his world is not much different from that of Lenin or Stalin and I WILL get up off my dead ass to protect my child, my husband and my country from the horror of a future like that. Mark my words…

ADHD Moment…

Fair Warning: I am pissed off and, therefore, do not give a rat’s left testicle about hiding it. That being said, I am not going to waste my time cleverly disguising the “bad words” that pop up in my writing. If you don’t wish to read “bad words”, I suggest you do not read this post. God Bless America and my right to have a potty mouth if I so choose. 🙂

This is not another “excuse post” for why I haven’t written in so long. Hopefully, there are one or two readers left on my page. No explanation for the absence, really, except to say that I am overwhelmed with the level of stupidity going on in our country. (Yes, my MS black holes have been particularly annoying lately, but I bought enough asphalt to fill them in for a while.) It is so hard to concentrate on one thing when another rears its ugly head an hour later. After a nutritious breakfast of Gorton’s Fish Sticks™ and store brand Tater Tots, I now have my hip waders on and am ready to trudge through the muck.

I am so DAMNED tired of being lied to, having my intelligence insulted and being treated as an entity that only thinks with her uterus by our government and a majority of the Liberals currently running for office. Not all in government, nor all candidates, are guilty of this but most are.

Barry, ISIS (not ISIL, you jerk) calls itself the Islamic State. Because We the People have never been privy to your school records, I am going to assume that you did not do well in the reading comprehension department. Or is it that you so fear using terms like Islamic Extremists, Terrorists, Jihadists or Radical Islamists because that would blow the whole terrorists are on the run thing that you feel the need to deny the existence of Islamic beliefs in the minds of those scumbags running rampant across Iraq, Syria and who the hell knows where else. For your information, using the acronym ISIL is an insult to our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel. Levant, according to Princeton’s WordNet, is “the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean that is now occupied by Lebanon, Syria and Israel”. I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that research was not high on your list of “things I did well in school” either. Israel is not a part of this and would rather fight to the death than let one of those hooded murderers plant one of their flags on her soil. You would know that if you cared to actually get to know the Israelis instead of wasting your time trying to present anyone killing on behalf of Islam as warm, fuzzy and misunderstood – a deranged outcast who had no choice but to commit “workplace violence”. Last time I looked, a vacant desert in the middle of nowhere was not really considered a workplace – unless your work is beheading innocents.

Don’t think we haven’t been keeping track of all of the issues you have been suspiciously silent on of late, dear. I have been hip to your political manipulations since you began your campaign for President the first time. The heck with storing food and ammo. I am stockpiling aspirin and beer – oh, Yukon Jack, too – because I (like millions of others) are quite aware that we are going to get hit with a shit ton of Executive Orders and other potential violations of Constitutional Law after your party loses the majority in the Senate. Why, for instance, do we suddenly need thirty-four million blank work permits and green cards? Could it be that you are planning to give those poor MS13 members (oops, my bad – displaced children) and their adult supervisors amnesty after the mid-term elections? No, not YOU! That would cost Americans jobs and we all know how much you give a flying fuck about the American Middle Class! Still, if anyone asks you or your talking head Ernest about this, all we hear are crickets.

You should be a contestant on “Dancing with the Stars” because of all of the fancy footwork you have displayed dancing around the issue of diseases being brought into this country through our wide open southern border – not to mention the whole pesky Ebola thingy. I am not one to panic about such things. If it gets much worse I will consider it. In the meantime, a friend of mine and two of her children came down with D68. Thank God they are okay. Funny thing, though. They became ill after two busloads of kids from South America and Mexico were dumped 10 miles from their home and began attending the public schools there. Coincidence – I think not. She is now home schooling her children as are many others in her area. Why is it so hard to quarantine people who come into our country illegally, or from countries where there is a raging epidemic of a deadly virus?   That is not racist. It is Common Sensist! In case you haven’t noticed “Oh, look! A squirrel!” isn’t going to work anymore when it comes to the health of our children, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. I believe you have finally stepped on the last nerve of the American Moms and Dads and there is no turning back.

So, how does it feel to be unloved? Well, you don’t care. Not really. You just pull out your spoiled bitch card and remind potential voters that no matter what the Democratic candidates say, they will turn around and vote your policies in once they are in office. Between you and me, Barry babe, WE ALL FUCKING HEARD YOU! Cat’s out of the bag, sweet cheeks! I wonder how many BHO voodoo dolls are hidden in the drawers of Liberal candidates across the country. If you were wondering why your golf game might be suffering more so than usual, you might want to ask the Secret Service to check out their offices. After all, it isn’t like they are busy guarding the White House or anything. 😉

I have some shocking news for you, Barry. You are not our first Black President. You are our first mixed race President. You of all people should be concerned for ALL Americans, not just those you feel will get you the most votes. Unless something unforeseen happens, this is your last hurrah and playing the race card 24/7 is a moot point now. In fact, you have screwed up things for minorities more than any other President in my memory. Okay, okay you probably sucked at History, too. Just to help you out a little, it was the Dixiecrats who suppressed the African Americans in the earlier days, not the Republicans. FYI, your “favorite President” was a Republican! Yessiree, Bob! Lincoln was a Republican! The first Democrat that I personally can recall who helped the cause of the African Americans in those sad, horrible days in our nation’s history was John F. Kennedy. Martin Luther King, Jr., though never a President, was apolitical (that means he belonged neither to the Democratic or Republican party – just so you don’t have to look it up) and believed in peaceful protests. What you and your BFF Holder are doing is so divergent to the teachings of Dr. King that it makes me want to puke. Ferguson, Missouri is, quite frankly, none of your business. It is a local situation that was a tragedy before you, Holder and Tawana Brawley’s very own Reverend Al turned it into a calamity. Not only did your involvement stir up the bees nest and cause both Black and White owned businesses to be destroyed by mobs out to get as much cash and free shit as they could over the dead body of an 18-year-old man and the reputation of a local police officer, but you all seem to have washed your hands of it and waded through the rubble that is left of that town as you hauled balls back to your respective cozy offices. Sadly this is a pattern we are all too familiar with. I, for one, am sick of it. Let the states take care of the states. Start paying attention to what you were hired for. When we need you, we know how to get hold of you. I am sure Valerie knows what golf course you are on at any given moment.

Please, please, PLEASE stop accusing the GOP of being in bed with the wealthy and big business. You know that old saying, “People in glass houses [yada, yada, yada]…” George Soros doesn’t look like he has missed many meals, nor has Warren Buffet or Bill and Melinda Gates, although neither of the Gates’ are “pudgy”. Mark Zuckerberg is pretty fit, yet I am certain he eats well. In my opinion, things go better with Koch anyway. Instead of finding ways to screw Americans out of energy jobs, they and others have worked to improve the safety and “environmental synchronicity with nature” of the industry so that more Americans CAN work.

There is no war on women in general. There is, however, a war on Conservative and right-leaning women AND African Americans. Go ahead, try to deny it. We (those with common sense) know that the whole “uterus” issue is just a fear tactic your party is using because you have nothing else. The constant liturgy of “Uncle Tom” accusations is evidence of that, too. Sad, really. If I didn’t think two more years of a Democratic Senate would be economically and legislatively dangerous for our country, I would almost feel sorry for y’all. Just joking – no I wouldn’t.

One last thing – leave our fucking guns alone. Chicago is not in the mess it’s in because of legal gun owners. Are there any? Oh, yeah, the ones guarding your other BFF Rahm. Gang members don’t go to gun safety classes and become licensed. Nor do they go on the waiting list in order to buy a handgun. They buy them illegally. I mean, really, you can’t be that stupid. No you just think we are.

Sorry, hon. Ivory towers and golf carts are not the best places from which to lead the greatest nation in the world. You actually need to be present and give a damn.

Can You Hear Us NOW!?!?

Last night’s “upset” primary thumping of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) seems to have taken everyone by surprise. After all, he had been there for almost 15 years and he was a professional politician with a large bankroll to fund his campaign. He was defeated by a regular American citizen – a college Economics Professor named David Brat – who had only minimal funds and the words of our Founding Fathers in his campaign arsenal.

I am surprised that people are surprised! Is DC so insulated from the real world that they can claim complete ignorance of the growing discontent with business as usual? Is our Congress so arrogant that they feel entitled to be re-elected time-and-time again and that we would accept their ineptitude for eternity? Did they think that we could stand by while Congress rolls over and plays dead while Barry runs roughshod over them without consequence? Unfortunately, the answers are all “Yes”.

Do you think the GOP might have finally gotten the hint that We the People are tired of the infighting going on within the party, the back stabbing and smear campaigns against those who have actually listened to the majority of their constituents? I doubt it. Do you believe that our voices matter to the professional politicians? I don’t. Do you feel that the fear mongering will cease and those with Tea Party ideologies will no longer be classified as far, far Right Wing loons? Yeah, right.

However, the blame for the current state of affairs in Washington cannot be placed upon the shoulders of Congress alone. Part of the blame belongs to those who complain but do not vote. Some belongs to those who choose to remain ignorant and in Zombie-like fashion pull the lever of the most recognizable name on the ballot on Election Day because it is easier than thinking.

The definition of insanity, according to Albert Einstein is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I know this is an oft used quote, but it certainly applies to the actions of Congress and the laziness of a majority of the voting public.

David Brat did not campaign against Democratic ideals, nor did he technically campaign against Eric Cantor. David Brat campaigned for a reuniting of the American people with the values and philosophies held sacred by the Founding Fathers. Values such as following the rule of law, personal property rights and giving the People back control of their own lives with limited government interference. These are all non-partisan issues and I believe they resonated with people from all walks of life. We are so damned tired of DC doing nothing because stubbornly toeing the party line is so much more important than accomplishing the tasks they were sent to Washington by us to do.

Let us pray that the awareness of the people of Virginia is contagious and more candidates like David Brat will have a shot at bringing America back to being the great Republic she had been for generations.

Throwing a marshmallow at a rabid dog…

General Shinseki was called to the Principal’s office this morning. A last minute meeting added to Barry’s schedule at 6 A.M. Eastern. Ooooh, he’s in TROUBLE!!!! Not really, he’s a fall guy. The White House minions most likely saw some type of polling data that showed Barry’s likeability is so deep in the toilet that even Roto-Rooter™ can’t save him and he is grasping at straws to protect the reputation of his party prior to the mid-term elections.

There is no one person and no amount of money that can correct what has been going on at the VA for decades. If the purpose of this meeting is to ask for the General’s resignation, it is naught more than a dog and pony show and will fix NOTHING. What the VA needs is “cleaners” to be assigned to each and every hospital in the system who can sort through the mess of paperwork, triage the cases awaiting attention and ensure that each facility has enough nurses, physicians, therapists (occupational, physical and psychological) and medical support personnel to care for the influx of new patients into the system. This cannot be corrected from an office in DC, and asking any one person to repair the damage that has built up over the years is unfair and ludicrous.

My step-uncle served in the Korean War – in country. He suffered mental, emotional and physical impairments most of his life as a direct result of his service. In the late 70s, he was admitted to the VA Hospital in Brooklyn. His mother and sister called every day to check on his condition. They visited him twice a week, driving from Rockland County, New York early in the morning and staying until the hospital made them leave at night. One morning his mother phoned him, but a nurse answered and said he had been sent for tests. The VA employee told her to call back in a couple of hours. This went on all day. Finally, his sister phoned at 5 P.M. demanding to know what was going on. Her mother was a wreck because they were getting no answers. The voice on the other end of the phone advised her that John Falletta had passed away at 8 A.M. that morning, but would not say how it happened. Can you imagine the devastating effects this news had on his family? Bureaucracy and lack of communication among departments is, in my opinion, to blame for the pain they went through.

No President since Jimmy Carter (or possibly those in office prior to his term)  is to be excused for allowing this to continue and grow into the monster the VA has become. President Bush 43 was working on in-hospital solutions to eliminate the backlog, knowing that putting “boots on the ground” was the only way to straighten up this mess. Barry was advised during the transition in 2008 and vowed to be the President who healed all of the ills of the VA system.

Then crickets…until now.

So, the typical Ego in Chief “madder than hell”, “found out about it on TV [or in the newspaper, etc.]” rhetoric begins. Attempting to solve issues by creating fall guys or gals is another classic Barry move. And how long will he be madder than hell? Probably until he can find another shiny thing to direct the sheeple’s attention away from his latest disgrace.

Meanwhile, stories like mine will continue as they have for decades and our military men and women will suffer – along with their families – for years to come.

Just an aside:  How can POTUS claim that he is “madder than hell” and feign surprise at the ineptitude of the VA when he served on the US Senate Committee for Veteran’s Affairs in 2006?  This report was developed in 2014, after he had been POTUS for a few years.  But, you cannot tell me the 2006 committee members lived in blissful ignorance.  Some of the findings took years to research:


Had to share… (remember, this is not real – it is sarcasm)

fake fb convoThis originally appeared at SuckersOnParade.blogspot.com.




No “There” There? We’ll see…

We know that blaming a lame video for the events in Benghazi was completely a political decision made by many in the Anointed One’s administration – and perhaps even the Anointed One himself. I don’t think they are even denying that one anymore.

If this is the case (and I believe it is with all of my heart) why are some in the Democratic Party so enraged that the Republicans might have a political agenda when it comes to Benghazi? I feel Rep. Trey Gowdy is sincere in his search for the truth about what happened from the second the attacks began and the series of events that took place up until now. I feel that the Federal Prosecutor inside of him cannot let this go until the families of the murdered men, and the American people, know the entire story and someone is brought to justice for this heinous crime.

What the other Republicans’ motives are, I do not know. It would be nice to think they have the same motives as Rep. Gowdy.   Let’s be sincere about this – nothing goes on in DC without politics being a part of it.

So, I wonder why some in the Democratic Party are calling for a boycott of this process. One would think they have the biggest stake in finding out the truth.   It is possible they will be exonerated and can finally say “We told you so!” Or, they will be exposed as liars and cohorts in the political gamesmanship Barry and his “peeps” carefully orchestrated two months before the 2012 Presidential election.

My question to them is this – If there is no “there” there, why wouldn’t you want to be there?

What is the Administration afraid of?

4-killed-e1351742509755An “investigation of an investigation” Mr. Carney? Seems to me that almost everything this POTUS has had his hands in needs to be investigated by special commissions because the DOJ does nothing and the standard committees in Congress are about as useful as teats on a bull. Even though it would cost us taxpayers more money to “re-investigate” incidents that have already been “investigated”, knowing the truth might end up costing us less in the long run.

You know the facts about what really happened in Benghazi are out there. It is a fact that a New York Times reporter was able to meet with one of the people involved in the attack, drink Fuzzy Navels with him, and ask questions about the sequence of events on September 11, 2012. Why can’t our government – with all of our resources – bring this bastard in? Is it because they don’t want him found? You see, Jay, this is how “conspiracies” are formed. Although, they are not actual conspiracies. They are hypotheses being cast about by people who are putting two and two together with what little information they have been given. Big difference between a hypothesis and a conspiracy theory, darlin’. Look it up. I’m sure there has to be a dictionary somewhere in the White House.   A conspiracy theory would involve something kooky like oh let’s say a really bad filmmaker who wreaked havoc across the Middle East because of a 10 minute youtube video that eventually led to the deaths.

My personal hypothesis is that Ambassador Stevens was directed to work with the Iranians or Russians to bring weapons through Libya and deliver them to the anti-government combatants in Syria (many of whom are believed to be members of Ansar Al Sharia). For some reason, this business was not conducted in the Embassy in Tripoli. Now, tell the truth and prove me wrong.

I want Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) to sit down with the families of all 4 Americans who were murdered that evening in Benghazi and tell them to their faces that bringing the monsters who killed their loved ones to justice is “a colossal waste of time.” I want the Ego in Chief to be there when he says it, too. After all, isn’t that what the White House is objecting to? Aren’t they essentially against getting to the bottom of things and arresting those responsible for organizing the attacks? Then, I would like the former Senior Advisor to the President – David Plouffe – to explain to the surviving family members that they are simply joining the “loud delusional minority” that believes there is way more to the Benghazi story than is being told.

These immediate verbal attacks on a majority of Americans (from all sides of the political spectrum), members of Congress (regardless of whether their intentions are pure or political), and some in the media (and the numbers of news organizations who do not believe the Administration are growing) seem to come from a place of fear. Barry and his minions are acting like spoiled rotten children throwing temper tantrums. Even Nixon had more class than that.

“Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.” ~ Mark Twain

It was an impossible task trying to choose which quote I would use to open this post, so you must suffer through both.

“So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.” ~ George Orwell

“Data is not information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not understanding, understanding is not wisdom.” ~ Clifford Stoll

During the current Congress (113th), Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) intends to present legislation that is intended to permit “the federal government [to] monitor radio, television and Internet speech for ‘hate,’ or material allegedly determined to be advocating or encouraging ‘violent acts…’” (examiner.com, 29 April 2014) This proposed bill is entitled the “Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014”.

Okay, so let’s take an educated guess as to what Harry Greed, the Ego in Chief, Senator Markey or any other defender of the oppressed masses might consider hate speech or words/material that would encourage people to go out and commit violent acts. My list would contain:

  • Anything the Tea Party writes, broadcasts or utters at rallies;
  • Anything Fox News broadcasts;
  • Any reports posted by Breitbart.com, The Daily Caller or other publications with a right-leaning editorial policy;
  • My blog;
  • The pages I “like” on Facebook (but Fuckerberg is already taking care of them by making their online lives miserable);
  • If we use the DHS model of Domestic Terrorism we would have to include Military Veterans, Christian Organizations, Constitutional Originalists, yada, yada, yada…;
  • Anything said by Cliven Bundy, his family, friends and supporters;
  • Anyone who believes that legal immigration is fine and illegally entering our country for whatever reason is not (sorry, Jeb, but I’m not buying the “love” thing);
  • Anyone who disagrees with Barry, or believes he and Eric Holder need to resign;
  • Anyone who sees that it is obvious that Harry Greed’s retirement is way overdue and he is just a doddering old fool;
  • Anyone who knows what this country was, sees the damage that has been done by the current Administration and chokes up during the “Star Spangled Banner” not due to pride, but a sense of loss felt deeply in our souls – then expresses their opinion in public.

Here is my list of people and things that might incite others to commit violent acts or who engage in hate speech with permission of His Majesty, The Anointed One:

  • Al Sharpton;
  • Barack Obama;
  • Al Sharpton;
  • Jesse Jackson;
  • Moochele Obama
  • Signs advertising “Gun Free Zones”;
  • Gun Control Advocates;
  • ELF;
  • Occupy Wall Street;
  • Al Sharpton;
  • Harry Greed;
  • Congressman Grayson (D-FL);
  • BLM;
  • And, just in case you missed it – Al Sharpton.

Markey’s proposal does not spell out the punishment that should be meted out to those who engage in such egregious activities, but I am pretty sure it will have something to do with losing your “communication privileges” either for a specified time or for life.

According to any articles I have read, he only has the support of 1% of those in the Senate, but this does not mean that Barry, with pen and phone in hand, wouldn’t push this through via Executive Order and hand control of it to the NSA. Although, Senator Markey had indicated at one point that a new Bureau should be created to do the monitoring. Yeah, right. Because we can really afford that! However, this kind of thought control is very appealing to Barry and I would not put it past him to institute the Barack Hussein Obama Bureau of Shut Up and Do as I Say.

The “Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014” will be given life – just like Shelley’s Frankenstein. Of that I am certain. The question is when and how.


Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014 as authored by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA)




The truth is… Oh, LOOK!!! SHINY THINGS!!!!!

darth-vader-disco-ballDonald Sterling, future former owner of the LA Clippers, is a registered Republican. He is also a racist and one who has been convicted of discrimination based on race and ethnicity in regard to his real estate holdings. This is true and the Liberal Media is having a field day with it.

  •       Shiny Thing – Those damned Conservatives and their cohorts in crime, the Republicans, are at it again. Racist bastards. “No doubt there are plenty of racists in the Democratic Party, but day by day by day it becomes even clearer that the Republican Party is the real home to racists.” (The New Civil Rights Movement, April 28, 2014)
  •       Truth – Donald Sterling donated $2,000 to the campaign coffers of Sen. Bill Bradley (D-NJ), $1,000 to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and $1,000 to Gov. Gray Davis (D-CA). There is no record that Donald Sterling contributed to Republican candidates. (littlesis.org) Why he remains a RHINO is beyond me. However, his history is well known and the Democratic candidates who accepted his money became conveniently ignorant for the sake of the almighty campaign contribution. Is this not “racism by proxy”?

Syria is a mess. It seems that bodies are floating down the main river – victims of the government or the Al Qaeda linked “freedom fighters” is unknown. Biological weapons are still being used by Assad against his own people, despite the promise to our Ego in Chief that they would be dismantled and destroyed. Putin is running with scissors, laughing as he dances across the Ukraine. Iran is increasing their employment numbers by working feverishly to build their precious centrifuges since most of the sanctions against them have been lifted. An American Pastor languishes in one of the most dangerous prisons in that dung pit. In other words, America doesn’t mean shit to the despots of the world anymore. The administration has seriously damaged our standing in the world in one swell foop.

  •       Shiny Thing – Some crazy rancher is grazing his cattle on federal lands and threatening tortoises. He is a tax cheat and should be in prison. His supporters had guns. They scared the BLM (and whatever paramilitary troops were there to back them up) and, to top it all off HE IS A RACIST!!!!!
  •       Truth – Yes, Cliven Bundy has not paid his federal grazing fees for 20 years, but he has made payments to Clark County, Nevada on a regular basis for the use of this property (which I assume is paid for by taxpayers and belongs to every American citizen equally). However, there is a fine line between fees and taxes, as Barry should know. That fine distinction is the only reason we are stuck with his crap health care bill. Until the BLM decided that the land near the Bundy Ranch was a good place for a solar farm, Mr. Bundy was brought to court twice and the matter seemed to fade as time went by. The jury is out as to whether he is a racist or is simply not articulate enough to properly explain the concept of government control he believes is holding all of us down.
  •       Truth – Any “Commander in Chief” who believes that Putin is just a regional annoyance, or that making friends with the Iranians by giving them money is a good thing is a fucking moron and I am not afraid to call it as I see it. Any “President” who has not made one iota of effort to free three American hostages – a doctor in Pakistan, a soldier in Afghanistan (we think) and a pastor in Iran – will never get my respect.
  •       Truth – If Barry draws any more “red lines” in the sand, the earth is going to resemble Mars when viewed from the International Space Station. And, some of that red will be the blood of innocents. And, this happened on his watch.

On September 11, 2012, four Americans were murdered while serving our country in Benghazi, Libya. As I showed in a previous post, our government was warned of possible actions against Americans and American interests well ahead of this horrible tragedy. New emails were released proving that the idea to blame the attacks at Benghazi on a really bad, soft-porn video was concocted by Barry and his band of Merry Muckrakers.

  •       Shiny Thing – Fox News won’t report anything good Sir Ego does. According to him, he has had many successes that don’t get any press. Don’t hate the player, hate the press. They, particularly Fox, will not let things go when they are clearly over, solved, finito, nothing but manufactured crises. None of this matters anymore – but LOOK!!!! I played soccer with a robot!!!!
  •       Shiny Thing 2 – Because President George W. Bush went after Sadam Hussein, Al Qaeda was allowed to run rampant across the Middle East and in America. Once again, it is all George Bush’s fault (yawn).
  •       Truth – The more time goes by, the more we come to realize what we already suspected to be the truth – President Obama was directly involved in manipulating (and I am being nice) the facts about Benghazi in order to win a second term. He is not going to slip out of this one with a glass of beer and a handshake. Not this time.
  •       Truth – Even though The Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014 proposed by Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) is supposedly aimed at racist, sexist and every other form of “ist” speech used online, etc., it opens the door for the government to tag as Hate Speech words written by those who disagree with them – sort of like Facebook is doing.  Here is the excuse they are using to once again attempt to restrict our First Amendment Rights – “’We have recently seen in Kansas the deadly destruction and loss of life that hate speech can fuel in the United States, which is why it is critical to ensure the Internet, television and radio are not encouraging hate crimes or hate speech that is not outside the protection of the First Amendment,’ said Markey.” (adweek.com)(emphasis added). Only because I love to pound things home with a sledgehammer – notice the law calls for regulating speech that IS protected by our First Amendment.

