A personal message to the ignorant mobs “protesting” in New York tonight…

maya angelou

It may seem odd to couple this quote from the great Maya Angelou with my post, but I do not hate.  I am angry, disgusted and in complete befuddlement by the actions of some people tonight.  Hence the following:

PISSED OFF WOMAN COMMENT TO FOLLOW. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! To the scum bag sons of bitches who are protesting as I write in my home town of NYC – FUCK YOU!!! You can’t even have the common decency that God gave a sand flea to wait until the officers who were assassinated protecting your sorry asses have been properly buried and give their families time to grieve!?!? A thirteen year old boy lost his father, his friend and his heart on Saturday. I would never wish something like that on your families. I would never wish any one of you dead or injured. Before you go out in public spewing your ignorance for the world to see, perhaps you should do this thing we call “reading”. I know that nothing is important unless Kim Kardashian’s ass is involved, but take the time and actually educate yourselves. Look up the facts on your precious cell phones and find out how many people were REALLY killed by police officers in the past 12 months for DOING NOTHING BUT SITTING IN THEIR CARS EATING LUNCH! You better disable the 9-1-1 functions on your phones, by the way. After all, why would you want a “murdering pig” to come save you if you are being robbed or raped, or someone in your home is having the shit beaten out of them by a loved one? Cops have not always been my friends and I have had my issues with them in the past. However, I never wished them dead and was always grateful that they were there when I needed them. I showed respect even when I disagreed with their reasons for dealing with me or my family. You all need to get the fuck home, mend your own houses and spend your time raising your children right instead of using 2 completely innocent police officers as the scapegoats for your shitty lives. Karma and God don’t play, mother fuckers. Remember that…

Victims of Political Ignorance…

policeSo tired of commentators trying to dance around the truth that Mayor DeBlasio and Al Sharpton have riled up people to the point that violence against police officers is acceptable – even noble.  Many people may not remember the days of the BLA and others killing 23 officers in two years in New York, but I do.  These were men and women who were doing their jobs.  Just like any secretary or corporate executive in New York.  The only difference is that they put their lives on the line every day with a target on their backs.  Is this going to be the case again?  Here is what I consider an appropriate reaction to DeBlasio’s scathing belittlement of the NYPD last week that, in my opinion, contributed to the deaths of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu last night:


Prayers to their families and to the NYPD.  This was senseless, but I am not going to hold my breath waiting for Sharpton or DeBlasio to admit that they were wrong.  I am not delusional and realize DeBlasio is so stuck on himself that the idea of resigning wouldn’t even cross his mind.  I just hope neither of them are stupid enough to try to attend the funerals even though I believe their egos will get the best of them in the end…



Bring me your poor, your hungry, your Ebola infected!?!?


Panic in tough situations is not in my nature. I am more of a “take charge” kind of person who collapses into a gallon of Pabst once the emergency is over. So, I feel that it is important to be concerned about the possibility of Ebola spreading within our borders; I do not believe it is time to hit the panic button – yet.

The Ego in Chief’s actions might change my views about this (and other communicable diseases) if he stays on his current, extremely wishy-washy course. There are so many questions to be answered and contradictory statements and actions to be explained, but the American public will never be told the entire story until we are living smack-dab in the middle of it.

News was released yesterday of a memorandum from The State Department (copied to the Department of Homeland Security and White House) outlining a plan to allow patients with active Ebola to be transported to the United States from West Africa for treatment. Of course, Mr. Less-than-Ernest uhmmed and ahhhhed his way through a lame statement directing reporters to ask those Departments about the memo because the White House had not read it – or some other such blather. According to what has been reported, the total financial toll per patient will be approximately $500,000.00. Seriously? We just spent (more than likely) our next three years’ budgets on accommodating thousands of potentially disease-ridden illegals, feeding them, clothing them and shipping them via air and land across the country without our knowledge! But, we can’t afford more Border Patrol agents or a completed fence?

These are the questions I would love to have answered (but never will):

  • We have sent some 3,000 troops to West Africa to build hospitals and assist with the current Ebola crisis there. Why are we putting them in harm’s way if the ultimate intent is to bring sick people here to be treated?
  • Why did we send regular ground troops and not the Army Corps of Engineers and/or Seabees if the mission is mainly to build medical and quarantine facilities? Oh, that would make sense! Answered my own question, I guess.
  • Part Two of the second question would be “Why are we putting them in harm’s way if the ultimate intent is to bring sick people here to be treated?” Why do we need to build facilities if the sick are not going to be there to use them?
  • I completely agree with the Pentagon and DOD’s assertions that the troops should be quarantined on the base in Italy before repatriating to the U.S. for 21 days to ensure that they have not contracted Ebola. Why is it so obvious a solution to the Military brass, but not to you, Barry, or your minions?
  • If planes can fly sick people into our country, why can’t they just send medical supplies to West Africa and let those people remain there? I am sure that the plasma from those who have survived Ebola can be transported safely by military aircraft and be used to treat patients in their home countries. Sorry, that was common sense. I will self-flagellate later 😉
  • How can the government expect us to trust the CDC (also “the government”) when they say that doctors and nurses exposed to Ebola patients both in West Africa and here at home are responsible enough to self-quarantine when they clearly are not? I don’t know about you, but I have more respect for other people than to hop on a plane to Ohio or take a few subway rides through New York City when I know I am within the 21 day incubation period. Sorry you’re bored. Catch up on your reading. Perhaps refresh your knowledge of the nature of Ebola and the fact that you can go from asymptomatic to full-blown infectious in a New York minute. Just a suggestion…
  • Perhaps the actions of the doctors and nurses who went to West Africa (or the nurse from Dallas who tended to Mr. Duncan) could be considered heroic. However, the “heroism” ends there. I see nothing heroic in not showing their fellow citizens the same respect and concern by disregarding all they know about this virus in order to satisfy their own needs. The nurse who was quarantined in New Jersey (until she whined so loud I could hear her in Colorado) is now openly stating that she will not be kept prisoner in her own home in Maine and fully intends to go out if she feels like it. Do they not remember taking the Hippocratic Oath? “I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure. I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.” (Lasagna, Hippocratic Oath).
  • Why can you, Barry, not keep your damned nose out of the states’ business and stop criticizing them for initiating their own forms of quarantine for those arriving from the infected areas? Personally, I do not think they are carrying it far enough! Fever or not, anyone with a Visa from West Africa should be quarantined for a minimum of 21 days before being allowed to engage with the general public. I would even go a step further. Quarantine them in their respective homelands for 21 days before they can get a Visa in the first place! Uh, oh. More common sense. AND, I guess I am a racist as well. Shit… You are not taking care of the business that is your business, so the people have to do it for you. Believe me, if I was able to build a fence along our southern border, I would do it myself. I would build humane quarantine facilities in the Border States and examine people for any and all communicable diseases. They would then be held for the time recommended for each individual disease or virus until they are medically cleared. Finally, I would ship them back to their own countries happy, healthy and out of our hair!

Take care of your own before others. If grown people choose to put themselves in harms’ way, they must accept responsibility for their actions, heroes or not. Our soldiers might be members of a volunteer military, but they seem to understand what others cannot. The mission is to protect our country, our children, first and foremost – above all else. All you care about protecting, Mr. Obama, is your own skinny ass.

I would like to thank Antonio F. Branco for allowing me to use his wonderful cartoon in this blog. Mr. Branco is an extremely talented artist with a kick butt sense of sarcasm and an uncanny grasp of the importance of events affecting our nation. The link to his work is


I highly recommend a visit to his site. ~Katrina

Brainless Generalities

Yesterday, my husband and I were remembering a fellow tow truck driver who was murdered by a woman in 2011. She had her SUV parked illegally in an apartment complex and the SUV had no plates on it. The apartment manager called the towing company to remove her car because it was taking up room for those who lived there. Allen Rose’s towing company J&J Towing was under contract with them and he had a legal right to remove her SUV.

While hooking up the SUV, the owner of the vehicle ran out, jumped into the SUV, put it in reverse and sped off, tangling Allen’s leg in the tow cable. She dragged him at approximately 50 mph (eye witnesses say he was screaming as he was being dragged) for one mile until his leg separated from his body at which point she pulled over and fled the scene. This woman swore she had no idea she was dragging him in spite of the fact that other drivers were trying to get her to stop and yelling out their windows that she was dragging a human being behind her car. The woman was caught, arrested, went to trial and is now doing 20 years for her heinous crime.

A man sitting next to us interrupted our conversation and stated that all tow truck drivers are crooks anyway. He had no empathy for the Iraq War veteran who lost his life or the wife and children he left behind. Of course, being the shy, reserved person that I am 😉 I jumped down his throat with (probably) more venom than was necessary. However, we have attended many funerals for tow truck drivers who were killed on the side of the road while changing a tire or trying to hook up a car that is disabled. My husband spent many years pulling people out of freezing rivers, off the sides of cliffs because they were driving too fast for conditions and each time he went out on these calls my heart was in my throat. The worst calls were for tire changes on the side of I-25 in Colorado or impounding vehicles that were parked illegally.

While we both agree that there are those who take advantage of people at their most vulnerable in many industries, most tow truck drivers ARE NOT CROOKS. They are men and women who work (in the majority of states) long hours in conditions most people wouldn’t drive in for 30% of whatever the cost of the call is. So, at AAA rates, that means their salary for a tire change on a dangerous highway is approximately $12.00 before taxes. Very few tow companies pay a flat salary plus commission. They are commission only jobs.

The one thing most people either don’t know – or choose to ignore – is that tow trucks are considered emergency vehicles and the rules regarding pulling over into the left lane or slowing down to 45 mph apply just as they do if there is a police car, ambulance or fire truck on the side of the road.

I can’t believe my husband was as calm as he was. Now that he drives plow trucks there are new worries because some people see them as an inconvenience even though they are out there trying to make the roads safe for travel. One of his co-workers was hit head-on by someone who was speeding around a turn in the canyon. Then he got rear-ended by another car that was following too close and couldn’t stop when the plow truck got hit. Thankfully, his co-worker is okay and both of the other drivers might not have licenses anymore.




Some of the above information was derived from stories in The Denver Post.