A personal message to the ignorant mobs “protesting” in New York tonight…

maya angelou

It may seem odd to couple this quote from the great Maya Angelou with my post, but I do not hate.  I am angry, disgusted and in complete befuddlement by the actions of some people tonight.  Hence the following:

PISSED OFF WOMAN COMMENT TO FOLLOW. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! To the scum bag sons of bitches who are protesting as I write in my home town of NYC – FUCK YOU!!! You can’t even have the common decency that God gave a sand flea to wait until the officers who were assassinated protecting your sorry asses have been properly buried and give their families time to grieve!?!? A thirteen year old boy lost his father, his friend and his heart on Saturday. I would never wish something like that on your families. I would never wish any one of you dead or injured. Before you go out in public spewing your ignorance for the world to see, perhaps you should do this thing we call “reading”. I know that nothing is important unless Kim Kardashian’s ass is involved, but take the time and actually educate yourselves. Look up the facts on your precious cell phones and find out how many people were REALLY killed by police officers in the past 12 months for DOING NOTHING BUT SITTING IN THEIR CARS EATING LUNCH! You better disable the 9-1-1 functions on your phones, by the way. After all, why would you want a “murdering pig” to come save you if you are being robbed or raped, or someone in your home is having the shit beaten out of them by a loved one? Cops have not always been my friends and I have had my issues with them in the past. However, I never wished them dead and was always grateful that they were there when I needed them. I showed respect even when I disagreed with their reasons for dealing with me or my family. You all need to get the fuck home, mend your own houses and spend your time raising your children right instead of using 2 completely innocent police officers as the scapegoats for your shitty lives. Karma and God don’t play, mother fuckers. Remember that…

Victims of Political Ignorance…

policeSo tired of commentators trying to dance around the truth that Mayor DeBlasio and Al Sharpton have riled up people to the point that violence against police officers is acceptable – even noble.  Many people may not remember the days of the BLA and others killing 23 officers in two years in New York, but I do.  These were men and women who were doing their jobs.  Just like any secretary or corporate executive in New York.  The only difference is that they put their lives on the line every day with a target on their backs.  Is this going to be the case again?  Here is what I consider an appropriate reaction to DeBlasio’s scathing belittlement of the NYPD last week that, in my opinion, contributed to the deaths of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu last night:


Prayers to their families and to the NYPD.  This was senseless, but I am not going to hold my breath waiting for Sharpton or DeBlasio to admit that they were wrong.  I am not delusional and realize DeBlasio is so stuck on himself that the idea of resigning wouldn’t even cross his mind.  I just hope neither of them are stupid enough to try to attend the funerals even though I believe their egos will get the best of them in the end…
